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Critique My First SOTD Photo!

My new Edwin Jagger DE86 arrived yesterday, so I decided to snap a few shots of it with some of my other equipment.

By the way, I used it for the first time this morning and it shaves like a dream! Hope you guys enjoy the eye candy! :001_tt1:

Gorgeous. But I am biased because I think the DE89 is a great razor and I'm a little awed by anybody who owns Amouage.
Do you want a photo critque?

1. Its a good shot shows and eye for composure and has strong movement.

2. I don't like selective color, at all, either all in b&w or all in color allways looks better.

3. I like the objects isolated on a white backdrop, its a good idea but its 1 or 2 stops over exposed.

4. its a good B&W conversion, I would add some localized contrast on the brush hair to draw the eye there a bit more, and have had it a bit more in focus by useing a wider DOF, but those are more styleistic then technical.

5. I would have touched out the spots of light on the mug handel, they are distracting, and easy to get rid of (healing stamp tool, the size of the spot of light, source point right near by and one click its gone). Also would touch out the light coming stright up from the Omega branding on the brush, as it distracts from the realy good fall of light across the mug.
I like the composition. Nice lines and a good crop. For me the biggest issue is that the dynamic range is too large. If you look at your histogram, you've lost a ton of detail in both the highlights and shadows. In this case I would have saved more of the highlights. C Reed also had a good suggestion in removing those stray spots of light.
What's wrong with you photo?

only that it's not in the SOTD thread, post and post often!!!

looking forward to seeing more of these and more of your frag collection, well done!
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