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Converting sons to wetshaving this Christmas

I've decided to try and swat (I meant sway - a Freudian slip?) my three sons (sounds like a TV show) to the fine art of wetshaving by gifting them, this Christmas, with a DE shaver (I've been thinking Slims) and a starter set of brush/soap/cup/blades. What do you think? I think the Slim is a great starter razor. Other ideas?
If someone was going to gift me something to get me to shave traditionally then here is what i would want based on what has become my favorite stuff to use. Proraso green Shave cream (your sons could always buy C.O. Bigelow once there Proraso tube runs out) Proraso green Pre and Post cream, Proraso green aftershave splash and the Proraso Shave brush or a Omega 49 Brush. Then when it comes to razors and blades I will say Lord Super Stainless and a Parker SR1. Combine all that stuff and i get awesome BBS(well most of the time besides the occasional times where my facial hair is being stubborn) shaves that are fun. Also as far as bowls I have not purchased a good one yet due to me buying other stuff but i use a Small Stainless steel bowl i got from ShaveaBuck.
I've done this a couple of times and I went with new Edwin Jagger razors. Don't get me wrong, I think vintage razors are great, but EJs are wrapped and presented impeccably. Both people I gave the razors to were very impressed and thought the razors were worth much more than what I paid for them. Once they have something shiny in their hands, then they become excited to try it out.

I skimped a little on the soaps (I went with Bigelow and RazoRock), but they perform admirably, and much better than the canned goo they were used to. Since they are both hooked, this year I'm getting them nice soaps.
BrookR1 has a point. Nothing like first impressions and getting something new.. Also, the EJ somehow is able to make just about any blade a great shave. I'd also go with Proraso or Tcheon Fung Sing Barbra rosse soap. Awesome stuff. It's Cella kicked up a notch. Also.think about a nice silvertip brush. Easy to use the first time.
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I'd reccomend a different direction. Both of my recent converts disliked the mild shave of a tech and a SS. So they're both shaving with a Merkur closed comb now. IMO the EJ has a mild shave, it's my favorite but pretty mild. It seems the mild shave didn't impress with the tech and SS. Of course it's really hard to say what someone will like so it's anyone's guess.
On that topic, if they are your son's they may have a similar facial environment so maybe go with whatever razor you feel is the easiest to use and gives consistent, effortless shaves. If its a slim then you better find 3! :biggrin1:
I am also thinking of doing this for my 2 sons for Christmas. They are 16 and 20, hopefully not too young to appreciate it.
Will watch this thread closely, good suggestions so far
Can you adopt me? thats a great gift. Joking but, I think it'd be a better start with one of the newer razors. I love my Edwin Jagger DE89L, excellent chrome finish. And if they are really into wetshaving, they will appreciate a vintage razor more later.
I second the new razor. Depending on their age, I say start slowly. Maybe if they see a razor produced this year they won't think so negatively of it and give it a try before they just toss it out like it's another "old man" type hobby. I've had a lot of people not take, I would definitely be curious as to what you settle on, and how they take it. I've tried to just talk people into giving it a shot, but I can't even get people to try it sometimes when I offer them a razor, soap and brush :(
I would recommend going with the Merkur 33c for a razor. Astra blades. Semoque or Omega brush (prefer Semoque boar). As for shave cream (would definately pick a cream over a soap for ease of lathering for a beginner) you have tons to pick from in all sorts of price ranges. I would teach them to face lather first and teach them proper prep. Sounds like a great present Santa.....my address is.......<G>:thumbup:
I'd also recommend going with a new Razor... EJ 89L or Merkur 34C. Both are fairly mild but do decent jobs allowing for some user error. Astra blades. Entry level badger brush. And bucking the trend, I would recommend a soap over creams. Just because its a little more intriguing compared to creams. Or you could do a cream that looks/ behaves like a soap e.g. CF Lime/ Lavender or Cella. Finally, a modern smelling post shave treatment. Something like a TABAC or Pinaut might be a little too mature smelling for them.
Interesting input concerning the razors. I expected more variety of vintage shavers. Originally my wife suggested that I gift each with a razor from my collection, but i thought I would try and find them all the same type.
Interesting input concerning the razors. I expected more variety of vintage shavers. Originally my wife suggested that I gift each with a razor from my collection, but i thought I would try and find them all the same type.

I bought my son a starter kit from Classic Shaving. It came with a Parker TTO. No big loss if he didn't like it and not a bad razor to start with. Save your collection until they appreciate wet shaving. It will be a more heart felt gift then.
Great choice with the Slims. They are great razors that they can use for the next 50 years, but can be mild enough to take them through the learning curve. I think the brush/soap combos should be totally your decision, based on what you like, and what you know about each son. Great idea, and great Xmas presents.
I wish that someone had been so kind towards me! I normally manage a new shirt and some socks at Christmas.

I love my Slim and I also own a EJ, which is a very fine razor too. I would personally go with the EJ, because a nicely packaged tool given as a gift may go 9/10ths of the way towards persuading them to give it a try, and hopefully stick with it.

I think that the variety of choice provided by the adjustable Slim could be confusing to a new DE shaver too?

That said the Slim is one of the finest bits of shaving engineering ever.
Ive done this a few times, went with a merkur 1904 and an ej89, both are very mild, easy to use safety razors for a starter. I also gave them samples of all the creams I had and some aftershave samples. I included a full puck of soap each and a re-knotted ever ready brush each as well. YMMV though.
I'm supporting the idea of buying a shiny EJ and a sample pack of blades. Nobody's mentioned anything about the brush choice so far. A custom handle with a TGN knot and their initials engraved on it can impress them too.
I just recently went through this with my 16 year old nephew. I got him his first kit. I thought about going vintage, and then several people told me about going new (and cheap) so if he didn't enjoy it, no big loss. So I got him a Lord L6 (i've used it and it shaves great!) he liked it but he was eyeing up my slim aristocrat and superspeed and really liked the vintage or "Old School" aspect of it (as he put it) So I ended up getting him a schick krona and he loves it. YMMV with your kids of course with what they would like and appreciate more..

With that being said, I think if you can find (3) Slims that are in great shape look almost new (as all of my vintage razors look) and present it well, it will appear to be a brand new razor. I agree with the others saying that the new razors present themselves better because of the packaging and what not. But no reason you can't accomplish that same appeal with a vintage!

Good luck and let us know what you decide! oh and lots of pics too :)
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