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contract Tech mutt? copper tech

Today I found a tech with a black handle and a gold head. I'm guessing that this is a mutt and not a purebred. Right?
I also found a fathandle tech with a red copper handle and heads with a gold base plate. Is the copper from total plate loss?
I also got a SS flair, a SS black tip and a no date fathandle tech.Not a bad find for $3.00 each. Feel like I had a good day.
I had seen Techs with a thick plastic black handle that is a legit model, was it like this?

And the Contract had a black medal handle, not sure about one with a gold head though...
Here are some photos (not the greatest). I can't tell if the white on the handle is scum or the black wearing. Also I wonder if the dark spotting on the head is residual black plating. Best way of cleaning it? I have used scrubbing bubbles.
Maybe someone else has seen this combo before and can comment. So much was going on then with millions of service men and women moving about the world.
I could have sworn I had one like that, but I can't find it. I do have one with a black head that has some worn off spots and it is nickel (or something shiny) underneath.


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