Hi all
I've just done some searching of the forum and looked at the wiki page on blades and do not see any comprehensive comparison of blades. I am new enough to this I have only sampled two blades, Derby and Korean Dorco, and the only list (from westcoastshaving FAQ, below) is not only non-specific about the Dorcos (I have two types), but it also lacks many other blades I have in my my sampler.
If I may I would like, on behalf of all newbies like myself, ask to draw yet again on the experience of the community at large and try to see if there's a concensus on how to organize blades in terms of comfortable to sharp/aggressive, assuming such a concensus could exist. And also assuming a more comprehensive list doesn't already exist somewhere else I couldn't find.
The primary of purpose of this list for a newbie such as myself would be a rough guide of what order we should try blades in.
Current list:
Red Pack Israeli
Swedish Gillette/Wilkinson Sword (UK)
To be added:
Personna Platinum
Treet Ultra Sharp
Trig Silver Edge
7 AM Platinum
Sharp Stainless
Super Platinum
Super Iridium
Gillette Silver Blue
Gillette 7 o'clock yellows
Gillette 7 o'clock green pack
Also TBD: Clarify whether "Dorco" means Korean Dorco, Dorco Platinum, or both, and if not both also add the other
Obviously there are loads more blades that could go on the list, the "to be added" are just the ones I have setting in front of me personally
Useful undertaking or useles idea?
(last edit: added beaker's TBD suggestions)
I've just done some searching of the forum and looked at the wiki page on blades and do not see any comprehensive comparison of blades. I am new enough to this I have only sampled two blades, Derby and Korean Dorco, and the only list (from westcoastshaving FAQ, below) is not only non-specific about the Dorcos (I have two types), but it also lacks many other blades I have in my my sampler.
If I may I would like, on behalf of all newbies like myself, ask to draw yet again on the experience of the community at large and try to see if there's a concensus on how to organize blades in terms of comfortable to sharp/aggressive, assuming such a concensus could exist. And also assuming a more comprehensive list doesn't already exist somewhere else I couldn't find.
The primary of purpose of this list for a newbie such as myself would be a rough guide of what order we should try blades in.
Current list:
Red Pack Israeli
Swedish Gillette/Wilkinson Sword (UK)
To be added:
Personna Platinum
Treet Ultra Sharp
Trig Silver Edge
7 AM Platinum
Sharp Stainless
Super Platinum
Super Iridium
Gillette Silver Blue
Gillette 7 o'clock yellows
Gillette 7 o'clock green pack
Also TBD: Clarify whether "Dorco" means Korean Dorco, Dorco Platinum, or both, and if not both also add the other
Obviously there are loads more blades that could go on the list, the "to be added" are just the ones I have setting in front of me personally
Useful undertaking or useles idea?
(last edit: added beaker's TBD suggestions)
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