Anyone own both for a comparison? Likes/dislikes of each? Thanks.
XDs have a higher muzzle to grip and tend to 'flip' more.
Glocks are the world standard for reliability pretty much. The XD has never been issued (aside from in ones and twos) by any police department I'm aware of, which is generally a clue. Croatian made. Not a bad design, but not a Glock. They do well in competition, as they are accurate and easy to shoot, but if the wrong chain of events happens with the grip safety, the gun will not go bang even if you're gripping it right. Seen it happen twice. That can get you killed in a fight.
The M&P has been widely issued, it's more or less the Glock "perfected". Before the Glock gen4 came out S&W listened to people's many gripes about Glock ergonomics, and fixed them. Glock had to play catchup.
I've carried a Glock for 15 years and shot them for nearly 20. When it came time to choose a duty pistol, I went M&P.
L.A Sheriff's Department recently went to the M&P, and in Texas and the East Coast, the M&P and Glock are about 50/50 issued or authorized for duty use. If you have small hands, the M&P with small backstrap will fit most better than a 9mm/.40 Glock. The medium backstrap is pretty much identical in size to a Glock.
Most guns don't have grip safeties. The 1911 does but it's 113 years old and the few issues it has, were known by the 1930s. I am not a gunsmith, but the XD, depending on the chain of events (i've seen it happen and we tried to break down the reasoning for why it happened) if you either partially squeeze the grip safety as you squeeze the trigger, or trigger without the grip safety then squeeze the grip safety in and then release/resqueeze the trigger, apparently has a chance to 'catch' where even though you have now squeezed the grip safety AND pulled the trigger, no bang.
Both times it was during training and treated like a misfeed, i.e mag removed, slide worked, reload, go and only the instructor really caught just why that happened, because it sure wasn't the ammo's fault. Yeah, it might be a 1-in-1,000 chance, but so are gunfights.
Thanks everyone! I like Glocks and plan to keep my G27. I want something slightly different for my next purchase.