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Col conk soap

Hi guys,

Mu current soap is some col conk bay rum. Tho I'm not to crazy about the smell the soap provides a good cushion and a nice lather. After 20 secs of twirling in my mug I have 3 passes worth of soap on my brush.

I don't think I'll buy it again.
I own it and love it. its the only glycerin soap that i really like. i use the puck as a bar and face lather with it. and i love the smell. YMMV i guess
There's a lot better soaps out there for a similar price. Try Mama Bears next time. No contest!!
They are nice soaps (except the lime IMHO). I tend to bin soaps that don't perform well and only really have around 5 soaps in rotation at a time, but have had at least one puck of Conk on hand for about 5 years now. I tend to cycle between the Bay Rum and Almond - right now it's almond (SWMBO's preference) , but the next will be bay rum (my preference) again.
granted I am new to DE shaving, and I only have the CC bay rum at the moment, but bang for your buck...it seems like a very nice soap. the scent is nice enough IMO, but that is subjective of course. my blades have been gliding quite nicely over it too.

I am looking to add another soap though, just for variety...not because the CC is bad by any means. YMMV though.
It's OK. That's about it. It was the first soap i ever used and I managed to get it to lather. That says something about it. Once I tried tallow based soaps like Cella, RazoRock, AoS, etc...it was all over.
The lime scent is horrid. Smells exactly like dishwashing liquid. I didn't even want to try it. I have tried the bay rum however, and it's an OK performer. Nothing special.I didn't like the scent of that one either. If you're one of those veterans that owns 20 soaps, don't buy this. It'll probably end up being one of your worst soaps. If you're a newbie, you can do much better at this price point. Try a honeybee spa soap.
I have tried the lime and bay rum soaps by Colonel Conk. They are the only lime and bay rum soaps I have tried, so have nothing to compare the scents to. I don't find them offensive and they seem to lather OK.

The price per puck on Amazon seems to vary widely between vendors. Shop carefully and shoot for the free shipping on Amazon. My goal was to keep the total price per puck below $5. I did and was happy with it. I don't know that I'd be so happy if I had paid the price some vendors want plus shipping.
Used it as my first soap 5 years ago as it came with a bowl and stand set. Did not like it (did not compare well to other soaps and creams, IMHO). I believe it was the lime, but I don't remember for sure.
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