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Coffee pods anyone?

I am pretty much a French press or stovetop espresso kind of guy, but lately some of the guys at work have been waxing on about coffee pods. Great assortment, can't taste the difference, convenience, amazing coffee flavors, yadda, yadda, yadda. I am skeptical. Seems like a gimmick to me. And I cant believe a pod could beat a good espresso, or even a good drip coffee in a blind taste test. Anyone out there care to chime in on this debate?


My elbows leak
Staff member
I have a Keurig, and it is good. I have had worse served by a "barista", so I think they are as good as you can buy at a coffee shop, depending on the coffee shop.
They are also convenient.
Your subsequent cups are as good as the first, because they are all "first".
There is the waste issue, which is not a concern to me.
The downside is they are more expensive than ground coffee by far. But I have seen people drop a pretty penny on roasters, grinders and brewers, so maybe not in the long run for some.
The quality selection is limited.
There are a few places that make high quality pods, but your generic run of the mill pods are not all that great.
I wish there were more providers of high quality pods, but it is what it is.
For daily coffee, and for the occasional latte, cappuccino or espresso they are simple and good if you have a quality pod.


I'm a Lumberjack.
I tried a Nespresso variety pack and they were excellent but I would not consider them for my own home due to the plastic waste they generate.
I’ve tried nespresso it’s okay. Other pods I’ve had at various offices usually with powder cream.(yuck) I’m with you on the plastic waste. Pods are carts. Seems like the Gillette cart equivalent to coffee. I also try to avoid consuming anything from heated plastic. That’s how the chemicals easily get in your system.
I've tried various pods and cups and they can produce a decent cup of coffee and are convenient to use. However, I have never had one that I would compare to a cup made from freshly roasted beans using an Aeropress, good espresso machine, or good drip coffee maker. A coworker has a Nepresso and loves it, but I have not personally tried it.
I have the Keurig Vue. Keurig quit making them. When Keurig guit making the Vue I purchased five of them on closeout. I The difference is the Vue pods are larger. I don't know if pods are available. What I do is us refillable pods with freshly ground coffee of my liking. I switch between different coffees. I find that using different grinds for different types of coffee changes the taste dramatically.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I no longer drink coffee but when I did I had a Keurig and an auto drip. I bought the Keurig at a dirt cheap price which is why I had one. I would also buy the pods at dirt cheap prices, like 2-3 bucks for the 12ct or 18ct. It did taste better than the auto drip IMO. Plus you could experience a lot more flavors and way more convenience. So it was nice and we used it daily.

When I quit working in retail I no longer had access to the dirt cheap prices on the pods so I quit buying them. We drank about 5-8 cups of coffee per day and the pods are just way to expensive for that much coffee consumption. So never used it and eventually got rid of it. Now there is just one coffee drinker in the house and the auto-drip works fine.
I've used them at my daughter's house. They're fine. I would never have them because of the inconvenience, waste and cost. She got a refillable pod but that was way more effort than anyone would want to do. I'll stick with my Moka Pot and Ninja.
I generally only drink one cup of coffee a day. My wife drinks two cups. She tends to like darker roast coffees while I tend to like medium roast. Thus, for us, the Keurig pods work out well. My wife's favorite is the Costco Kirkland Pacific Bold dark roast. I tend to rotate through a variety of medium roast coffees. I share the same love of variety in my coffee that I exhibit in my choice of shaving soaps, brushes, razors, blades, etc. I never do the same thing two days in a row.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I've often heard freshly ground beans stay at peak flavor for 15 minutes. So how many minutes (days, weeks, months?) has passed since the coffee in the pod was ground?

My daughter has the Nespresso. It makes drinkable coffee, but it doesn't compare to freshly ground beans in my Moccamaster.
I am pretty much a French press or stovetop espresso kind of guy, but lately some of the guys at work have been waxing on about coffee pods. Great assortment, can't taste the difference, convenience, amazing coffee flavors, yadda, yadda, yadda. I am skeptical. Seems like a gimmick to me. And I cant believe a pod could beat a good espresso, or even a good drip coffee in a blind taste test. Anyone out there care to chime in on this debate?
For fun a well known coffee guy tasting pods :)
I am pretty much a French press or stovetop espresso kind of guy, but lately some of the guys at work have been waxing on about coffee pods. Great assortment, can't taste the difference, convenience, amazing coffee flavors, yadda, yadda, yadda. I am skeptical. Seems like a gimmick to me. And I cant believe a pod could beat a good espresso, or even a good drip coffee in a blind taste test. Anyone out there care to chime in on this debate?
They are great for 1 cup of coffee.

I never found any "prefilled" pods that tasted decent, but I don't put sweeteners In my coffee.

Fill em yourself "refillable" pods were great but the inconvenience and hassle was contray to the quick and easy reason for pods.

When the Kruig died (after fixing it for the 3rd time)... I tossed it and gave away the refillable canisters.
My wife and I start the day with a Cuisinart pot of ground Starbucks French Roast, that I prepare the night before. I won't talk to anyone before at least a cup or two of black coffee in the morning. If we need more during the day, it's a Keurig pod. This time of year my wife has stocked up on Starbucks Holiday Blend pods at Costco.


First Class Citizen
Big fan of Illy pods here. Though pre-packaged, they make a delightful espresso, as good to my palate as freshly ground.


My wallet cries.
I do like the Nespresso pods more than the Keurig pods on taste, although they are both back up options for me. I do like those pod machines to dispense a specific amount of hot water though to brew with.
I've often heard freshly ground beans stay at peak flavor for 15 minutes. So how many minutes (days, weeks, months?) has passed since the coffee in the pod was ground?

My daughter has the Nespresso. It makes drinkable coffee, but it doesn't compare to freshly ground beans in my Moccamaster.
I am on some roasting forums where I have heard the same thing. From personal experience, I can't tell the difference between coffee ground and brewed within 15 minutes or an hour. Perhaps there are those who have a more sophisticated palete than mine, in fact I am certain this is the case.
ditto the 15 min could not tell
if I ground the day before I could tell a huge difference I was curious and tested that :) could really tell quite easily just like a muted everything taste to it compared

NOW for my espresso if the beans are over a few weeks to months old I can tell a drop off in flavor
I do buy from roasters where you order then its roasted etc... which is very common with coffee nerds :) so nothing special really
ditto the 15 min could not tell
if I ground the day before I could tell a huge difference I was curious and tested that :) could really tell quite easily just like a muted everything taste to it compared

NOW for my espresso if the beans are over a few weeks to months old I can tell a drop off in flavor
I do buy from roasters where you order then its roasted etc... which is very common with coffee nerds :) so nothing special really
Espresso is a different animal.

Seconds count
Espresso is a different animal.

Seconds count
yeah but that was about grind time to brew/pull time and can you taste it ? :)

not shot pull time ;) pull time seconds can change things for sure but then I would say volume matters more than time within reason :) ratios vs time kinda thing :) but its all what ya like

just like conical burrs vs flats is a HUGE change in taste for those who are into it :)

to me its like shaving some are really into the difference in soaps and how the water/soap ratios are and or face/bowl lathering etc.
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