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Closed comb Segal

I've only seen open comb Segal's, but I just got this one:

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It's interesting in that after the top is brought down, you can twist the knob to tighten up and there 3 distinct stops or clicks before you can't turn it anymore. I think it's a chrome finish, there are a couple of bad spots where the plating is flaking off.

It looks familiar to me, like I've seen pictures of it before, but I can't place it.

Anybody got an idea of a date for this one or any other info?

nicee, i had a o/c...this is rare. you can get blades easily on the web,, country joe's

Joe said last week in a previous thread about the Segal and how to cut modern blades to fit, that he was now out of the Segal blades. I just checked his web site and don't see them anymore but he does have Scotty blades, which were made by Segal as noted on the blade packet and Joe's description on the Scotty blades says "Picture on back looks like they fit the Segal razor." Sealed box of 5 blades, $6.00 shipped.
thanks for the responses guys! Before I could attempt to use it, I need to do something about a small piece of the plating that has bubbled up and lifting off of the guard. It has an open end on the down side so it would be a little scritchy if I shaved with it. I'm sure it would pop right off. I'll have to think about it.

I have many incredible razors that I have blades for, but it would be interesting to shave with this one once though. I could always use the good side for that single shave.

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