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Cleaning GEMS?

Does anyone know of a way to take apart a Gem Micromatic? I would like to thoroughly clean mine, because it seems a bit sticky on the inside. It doesn't twist as smoothly as my other 2, and it's hard to get the inside of the cap completely scum free.
It's not broke and can't be fixed . . . or something like that!

Amishmotorboat took one apart and took pictures of how they work. I believe it was also discussed that although they can be taken apart, they can't be put back together again.

I did try one once . . . it was a clunker and no great loss . . . FAIL

Use Q-tips, pipe cleaners, long soaks in hot soapy water and other classic cleaning tricks and you will get it cleaned up eventually . . . but taking it apart probably shouldn't happen!

Micromamtics are solid, rugged, tough as nails, and extra manly . . . sort of a combination of Bruce Lee, John Wayne, Chuck Norris, and Mongo all baked together . . . a great razor . . . just not repairable.
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I agree with Brad, your best bet is a long overnight soak in soapy water, and maybe a little mineral oil. Don't be the guy who proves that if it ain't broke, you ain't trying hard enough.
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