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Cinderella Razor-Asprey 166 Bond Street

Some of the restorations we've seen here have been extraordinary makeovers. What looks like a trash heap razor gets escorted into a back room somewhere and then emerges, after much whirring, grinding and polishing, as a shave den trophy. This restoration is more of a Cinderella restore by which I mean that in every Cinderella movie I've ever seen, both real actors and animated, Cinderella is always kind of hot even before her fairy godmother shows up. I'd say a solid 7, maybe an 8. The wand action just takes her up to an 11.

Well, here's my Cinderella Razor thanks to Scott (life2short1971). This shoulderless slightly larger than 5/8ths blade came to me as a secondary consideration in a lot of 2 razors. The first was an unidentified Puma which was the real reason I bought the lot. This razor, was just a plain looking stepsister in the photo. The Puma is on the right:


When it arrived, however,I saw it up close and realized that the stepsister was actually much better looking than wicked mother's daughter:
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Great, sexy curves and, beneath that grime, her dress was, I believed, rare and lovely Ivory. I could also read the tang at this point which said "Asprey 166 Bond Street". A few minutes of googling showed this to be an elite luxury goods house in London which has been around since the 18th Century. While I can sand down a razor from Brooklyn or Iowa or Ohio, there's no way I'm trusting myself with a Bond Street blade and so off it went to Scott, the Fairy Godfather, who gave Cinderella a new look.

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I couldn't believe how nice the ivory grain turned out.

The razor still has a bit of the patina on it. I'd already mentioned to Scott that I like my women and my razors to show their true age.
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I'll bet no one can guess what Scott honed the Asprey on.
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He did such a fine job and I shaved with the razor the day it arrived and, in my unskilled hands, it did not disappoint. It's easily the most elegant of the straights in my den and thanks to Scott for turning her into a beautiful princess.
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