I'd like some suggestions as to a selection of cigars for a cigar newbie. Here's what I'm thinking for criteria:
1. Cigars that are on the smaller side of the continuum (I seldom have 2 hours to smoke, what with family and all).
2. Cigars that are reasonably priced (under $10?)
3. A good range of cigars that will take my across the mild to spicy spectrum.
So, what do you think? I live in SF and would like to pick up 3-5 cigars as a start. If there are online and brick and mortar vendors that you would recommend for this, I'd also appreciate that as well.
I'd like some suggestions as to a selection of cigars for a cigar newbie. Here's what I'm thinking for criteria:
1. Cigars that are on the smaller side of the continuum (I seldom have 2 hours to smoke, what with family and all).
2. Cigars that are reasonably priced (under $10?)
3. A good range of cigars that will take my across the mild to spicy spectrum.
So, what do you think? I live in SF and would like to pick up 3-5 cigars as a start. If there are online and brick and mortar vendors that you would recommend for this, I'd also appreciate that as well.