I know there are a few cigar smokers here, can anyone recommend a good (or great) cigar forum? Something along the lines of our beloved Badger & Blade. 

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A word to the wise...steer clear of Puff. Qwner is quite the egotistical, sheriff of Nottingham, Captain Bly type.
i like cigar asylum. They're pretty cool over there. They do pif type stuff and the people on the boards that are in the same cities often tend to meet up at the local cigar shops.
try puff com its pretty active.
[]a word to the wise...steer clear of puff. Qwner is quite the egotistical, sheriff of nottingham, captain bly type.
The asylum you will find a community that respects the opinions of others, never seen any one flamed, very thoughtful group of guys sharing a love for the leaf. You'll like it there. [/color][/size][/font][/b]www.cigarasylum.com
+1tripnastic said:i like cigar asylum. They're pretty cool over there. They do pif type stuff and the people on the boards that are in the same cities often tend to meet up at the local cigar shops.
-1akabilly said:try puff com its pretty active.
+1000kevin wet shaving said:[]a word to the wise...steer clear of puff. Qwner is quite the egotistical, sheriff of nottingham, captain bly type.
The asylum you will find a community that respects the opinions of others, never seen any one flamed, very thoughtful group of guys sharing a love for the leaf. You'll like it there. [/color][/size][/font][/b]www.cigarasylum.com
CaptainK:What about B&B's own?