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Christmas present for dad

Just got into de shaving myself recently:
Ej de89
Praraso green
Derby blades

Was considering getting my dad, who has not used a de himself, a de...just get him what I got or go another way?
Get him a straight razor, a leather strop, and some Williams soap. Tell him to have at it, old man!

Just kidding. Your set up sounds like a good first time set up. If it worked well for you, chances are it will for him too.
Another consideration, and a sentimental one at that, would be to get him a birthyear razor, although I don't know if you have enough time to find one and have it plated. You might have to find one in like new condition or already plated.
How about talking with him and seeing his reaction when you mention DE shaving. Maybe he has no interest at all for DE shaving?

I would not give Derby blades to anyone I care about. They are in the lower end of all blades I have tried. They are smooth, but so dull that you rather pull out the whiskers than cutting them.
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