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Christmas Gift.Double Ring

Here is what my wife gave to me on Christmas.....please forgive my poor photography skills....I just grabbed one of my wife's old cameras and snapped some pics.

$Razor 2012 (4).jpg
$Razor 2012 (5).jpg
$Razor 2012 (8).jpg
$Razor 2012 (10).jpg
$Razor 2012 (11).jpg
I had seen it on ebay and showed it to her.....saying wow, that would be nice.....and she went out and actually won it and saved it for my Christmas gift. I love my wife!
OMG!!! She must have gone above and beyond to win that set. Just unbelievable!

And about using it...I think I'd give it one ceremonial shave and then let it be collector's piece.
I didn't post the picture...but there was also some sort of tissue paper that came with it....maybe it wrapped the razor when new?
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