Hi there, first time caller, long time reader.
I'll keep it brief: I'm a 21yr student. So obviously not rolling in money right now.
I started off investing way too much time and money on the best electric shaver I could find. A Braun Series 7:
That turned to be less than great. At first I was pleased but my face ended up being hot and irritated after every shave. And those cleaning cartridges are way too much hassle to be worth it (not to mention that I live in Israel and would have to import them every couple of months, as well as a new head - got expensive quickly).
Then I figured Stubble is the way to go. I had a friend who used a basic cheapish beard trimmer and somehow managed to get his looking exactly like I wanted. Unfortunately, I'm not manly enough, and my beard would always come in patchy and string-y and the trimmer would get caught on it.
I was a sad panda.
Then finally I broke down and tried moochin off my dad's Fusion system. I hate gillette with a passion, I've always known the razor and blades business model was a giant rip off, especially now a days with big *** conglomerates and brainwashing marketing...
But I'll be damned if it didn't sort of fit my face and sensitive skin type. It wasn't perfect by any means, really inconsistent experiences (sometimes it goes great, other times my skin gets irritated almost as much as with the electric razor and I get cuts).
So I've long known there was A Better Way, and finally this gizmodo post squared away any doubts about it:
Hi there, first time caller, long time reader.
I'll keep it brief: I'm a 21yr student. So obviously not rolling in money right now.
I started off investing way too much time and money on the best electric shaver I could find. A Braun Series 7:
That turned to be less than great. At first I was pleased but my face ended up being hot and irritated after every shave. And those cleaning cartridges are way too much hassle to be worth it (not to mention that I live in Israel and would have to import them every couple of months, as well as a new head - got expensive quickly).
Then I figured Stubble is the way to go. I had a friend who used a basic cheapish beard trimmer and somehow managed to get his looking exactly like I wanted. Unfortunately, I'm not manly enough, and my beard would always come in patchy and string-y and the trimmer would get caught on it.
I was a sad panda.

Then finally I broke down and tried moochin off my dad's Fusion system. I hate gillette with a passion, I've always known the razor and blades business model was a giant rip off, especially now a days with big *** conglomerates and brainwashing marketing...
But I'll be damned if it didn't sort of fit my face and sensitive skin type. It wasn't perfect by any means, really inconsistent experiences (sometimes it goes great, other times my skin gets irritated almost as much as with the electric razor and I get cuts).
So I've long known there was A Better Way, and finally this gizmodo post squared away any doubts about it:
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