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Check out this spam...

I just got this in my mailbox:


Again, we plead that you accept our apologies for the delay in your
payment completion,so final payment approval has been given in your
favour. Therefore, we hereby wish to allay your fears and assure you of
the final release of your delayed payment.Therefore you are to contact Mr.
David S. ABRAHAM immediately for final payment processing. Funds will be
released within 7 working days from the moment your information is
confirmed with all requisite legal payment processing completed.

Contact information is as follows:

Attn: Mr. David S. ABRAHAM.
Address: Channel Islands, United Kingdom.
Email: [email protected]

Direct all questions to him if and where you have any as it is now
expedient that your payment is completed. Furthermore, we notify your
goodself of the fraudulent activities of an International fraud syndicate
out to defraud innocent and unsuspecting beneficiaries. To this effect, we
must all team up to fight against this menance just like the present and
on-going war against terror for the sake of peace and mankind. It is our
duty to guide, guard and protect all beneficiaries and ensure they do not
fall into wrong hands.

Please again, accept our apologies for the wrong done to you in the past
while assuring you that justice will be done; so that you will receive
your funds without any further delays.Regards,

Ms. Sarah Hills.
for: David S. ABRAHAM.
Channel Islands, GY7-3BW,
United Kingdom.
Alternate Email: [email protected]

Whoo hoo! Free money! Those suckers will never realize they sent me this message by accident and that some unlucky sap will go without.
Hey, that was supposed to be sent to me. I was wondering what happened to it. This along with my Nigerian investments will really ease me into a cushy retirement.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I get around 200 - 300 work related e-mails a day, and probably just as many of these type of things. It's irritating, but it's the age we live in.
My spam filter looks like the Oxford Dictionary with the various spellings that can be employed in the promulgation of this garbage.
"Ms. Sarah Hills.
for: David S. ABRAHAM.
Channel Islands, GY7-3BW,
United Kingdom.
Alternate Email: [email protected]"
i also live in the uk and can say that all us brits register our email to hongkong sure it takes longer, is more hassle and all our junk mail is in the wrong language but imagine how much simpler it'll be if we move to hongkong because we wont need to change our email address :)
I get around 200 - 300 work related e-mails a day, and probably just as many of these type of things. It's irritating, but it's the age we live in.
My spam filter looks like the Oxford Dictionary with the various spellings that can be employed in the promulgation of this garbage.
There are only so may ways to spell "replica watches." :biggrin:

I get around 200 - 300 work related e-mails a day, and probably just as many of these type of things. It's irritating, but it's the age we live in.
My spam filter looks like the Oxford Dictionary with the various spellings that can be employed in the promulgation of this garbage.

No joke. For every 100 legit messages I get there must be 200 that are total garbage.
Yeah, the free money thing is not suspicious at all. By the way the ratio of real messages to spam for me is more like 1,000,000,000,000:1 (no hyperbole, honest!).

It is interesting that I saw this thread on scams today, as yesterday I almost got conned into buying £120 of fish. Long story, but it was the classic 'the other people living here ordered it, could you pay for it to help move things along'. (he had visited before so knew my living arrangements, and I told him the other people weren't there to try to get rid of him). Oddly, when I picked up my phone to check with the people he claimed had ordered it he quickly and unconvincingly claimed he was joking about the order.

Send any similar stories to my Hong Kong email address.

Sometimes I do glance at the spam I get for the ridiculous obfuscations attempted to bypass spam filters. Some are really quite imaginative.
I just got this in my mailbox:

Where do they get that flowery language used in almost all of those things?

Do they come from a place where it is the norm?

Do they think it is the norm for the people they send it to?

Do they think it will sound exotic and make it more enticing?

Do they think it makes them sound stupid so (truly stupid) people will try to take advantage of them and get hooked?

Do I lead a sheltered life and am just not aware that that language IS the norm outside of Texas?
it is my sincere duty to inform your goodself that in the world of fraud international banking, this is the norm.

Where do they get that flowery language used in almost all of those things?

Do they come from a place where it is the norm?

Do they think it is the norm for the people they send it to?

Do they think it will sound exotic and make it more enticing?

Do they think it makes them sound stupid so (truly stupid) people will try to take advantage of them and get hooked?

Do I lead a sheltered life and am just not aware that that language IS the norm outside of Texas?
Do I lead a sheltered life and am just not aware that that language IS the norm outside of Texas?

I left Texas once. Went to Indiana. Couldn't understand a darn word.

As my great, great uncle Gabby Johnson used to say: "Hell, I was born here, an' I was raished here, an' dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin bushwackin, hornswaglin, cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter. "
I left Texas once. Went to Indiana. Couldn't understand a darn word.

As my great, great uncle Gabby Johnson used to say: "Hell, I was born here, an' I was raished here, an' dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin bushwackin, hornswaglin, cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter. "

We Hoosiers can't help it if you don't understand English. :lol:


My elbows leak
Staff member
I left Texas once. Went to Indiana. Couldn't understand a darn word.

As my great, great uncle Gabby Johnson used to say: "Hell, I was born here, an' I was raished here, an' dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin bushwackin, hornswaglin, cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter. "

I know what you mean, I hate it when people try to rouin me bishen. :biggrin1::lol:
The note initially surprised me, because I must have a heck of a spam filter on my email, I rarely get any spam anymore and certainly very rarely any of these Nigerian type con letters. I had never seen this angle before, just the old tried and true "help smuggle an elected officials money across the country before the rebels get him" type games.
The post code is almost right (the first half) It is even in the Channel Islands, Guernsey to be exact. The second half isn't recognised. Also we never put hyphens in our post codes!

As far as I know, nobody would give just "Channel Islands", they would give the island first. There are several, Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Herm, Sark and a few others.

They are an offshore tax haven for people with enough money. Perhaps you could make use of the tax haven status when they send you the money...

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