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Cheapest place to find T&H juice?

I've been green-lighted to purchase a bottle of Grafton, after working through some Creed and the T&H sample pack. Can someone recommend a place that I can get the best price on a bottle of it? I'd rather avoid the Bay, and don't want to buy a "tester".

Or, is the $74 (plus shipping) with the BB10 discount code at the T&H US site the best price on offer?

I was looking around at a few sites and from what I saw it's the same price all around for T&H. it does look like ordering it with the code will be your best bet.
Horatio, thanks for the pointer about the exchange rate. It looks like more than a10-dollar difference when shipping is included. Any idea what time-frame shipping from the UK runs?
I've been green-lighted to purchase a bottle of Grafton, after working through some Creed and the T&H sample pack. Can someone recommend a place that I can get the best price on a bottle of it? I'd rather avoid the Bay, and don't want to buy a "tester".

Or, is the $74 (plus shipping) with the BB10 discount code at the T&H US site the best price on offer?


On Truefitt and Hill's website, the cologne is $75 minus the BB10 discount ($15) brings the total to $60 plus shipping ($8) brings the grant total to $68.

Total from The Gentlemen's Shop is $62 (includes shipping).

I would pay the extra $6 to receive it in 3 days, rather than waiting 7-10 working days.
Any idea what time-frame shipping from the UK runs?

As Cuttingboard points out, usually 7 - 10 working days, but I've had other shipments take longer. One actually took a month; it was presumed lost, then just "magically" showed up without any explanation from the shipper, customs, or whoever. Personally, I only opt to import if the price difference is dramatic, or, obviously, if the product is something I can't get any other way.
As Cuttingboard points out, usually 7 - 10 working days, but I've had other shipments take longer. One actually took a month; it was presumed lost, then just "magically" showed up without any explanation from the shipper, customs, or whoever. Personally, I only opt to import if the price difference is dramatic, or, obviously, if the product is something I can't get any other way.

Same here...I ordered a travel shave brush and soap 4 weeks before my honeymoon last year and I didn't receive it until I returned 2 weeks later, for a grand total of 6 weeks. Of course, I also had a few items take as little as 5 working days too.
Is T&H willing to ship to the US from the UK?

Several sites mentions the fact they don't ship alcohol containing stuff via air freight.
Also, they divide the world market in regions and I don't know how strict their policy is on ordering and delivering crossing these boundaries.
Is T&H willing to ship to the US from the UK?

Several sites mentions the fact they don't ship alcohol containing stuff via air freight.
Also, they divide the world market in regions and I don't know how strict their policy is on ordering and delivering crossing these boundaries.

T&H has a store in the US...in Chicago. :thumbup:
Yeah, good thing you get the B&B discount. I hate to pay shipping and tax...one of the reasons why I no longer shop LondonBathecary unless they have a coupon code.
Yup, there is a T&H storefront in Chicago. Because of that, I'm going to get hit with sales tax, too. Sigh. It's all good, though! I can order it in a week. :D

The barbershop in Chicago is a separate entity from T&H North America, and so probably does not offer the discount. (I'll stand corrected if somebody knows otherwise.) So, not only will you pay sales tax, but full price as well, not to mention parking, unless they validate. Odds are, you'd be better off ordering through the website, if price is your primary criterion. On the other hand, the barbershop is a great place to visit and check stuff out.
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