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Charnley Forrest question

I was offered these two hones (aparently Charnley Forrest and they look-like). One is 1.3/4” wide x 9.1/2” long and the other one is 1.1/4” x 9.1/2”. I wondered what is the value of these stones before I purchase them as i was done once before on a simillar purchase. Thank you for your help.
they are both charnley forest stones. i have couple and love them.i wouldn't sell less then 150 any charnley. last i have seen similar to your 1 st hone wide one fot 115.good luck
They look genuine to me. The dark graining should be purple and the green, a lightish olive green. The surface should be flat (of course) and when dry, look like glass.

Mine is the best hone I own. Hone, strop shave. No need for Chromium Oxide or diamond paste, the edge is shaving smooth off the hone.

I've tried both blue and yellow coticules, the German Escher, the Japanese Suita and many many, synthetic hones including the flavour of the month Naniwa 10K.

Those natural beauties are superb. Best? Who knows what best is? But they are certainly exceptional.

As to value, I wouldn't sell mine. I don't know what I could replace it with.

Incidentally, they used to be used for sharpening carpenters tools but were generally considered to be good but slow. They were usually used with oil which doesn't seem to get absorbed into the hone...thankfully. I find washing up liquid or shaving lather to be an effective and more hygenic substitute.

If you come off an 8K hone, a Japanese natural nagura makes a great surface lubricant, followed by liquid soap followed by good old water. If you use the hone after say an Escher, you just need water and a light touch.

The surface of these hones is very hard and they take time and patience to lap flat on wet and dry paper. I started mine with 400 grit wet and dry paper (used wet) on a glass bed, through 800 then 1000 and finished using 3000 grit paper. I then put a bevel around the edge. The final surface when dry can look like a mirror at the right angle. However your patience will be rewarded with a very effective razor hone that will last for generations.

They are hones that I am sure will become your prize possessions.

They are quite rare to find and if you don't want them, I will willingly give them a good home.:biggrin:
May i ask are you the same person as srp English? if you don't want to answer you just leave this question alone.
thank you
My name on SRP is the same as here and on the other forums I am member of. the same applies for auctions.
On the other note I have decided to buy both those stones as I will see how I will get on with them. Originaly I was looking for slightly wider stone but it is difficult to find any. I will have a go on both and decide which I will keep and the other one will probably appear here in trade section. Better to keep it in the family then leave it for somebody to spoil it with some chisel or knife.
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