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Changes in beard after traditional shaving?

I apologise in advance if this topic has been thrashed before.

I have now been shaving with a DE razor for about six weeks. I started out with a Gillette Slim and last night had my first shave with a Gillette New long comb. The older razor is just awesome. I'll never go back to a cartridge razor.

I have noticed a few differences in my beard since making the transition. Firstly, even when I have a BBS shave, I my whiskers appear more noticeable. It's as though I have a 5 o'clock shadow right away. I have also noticed that after about 24 hours, I feel more prickly than when I used a cartridge razor. It seems that my stubble is now fatter. Finally, after the initial 24 hours, the stubble growth seems to be accelerated.

Have you guys noticed any differences in your beards since making the transition?
My stubble feels slightly different when I switch from one DE razor to another one (but I only have two), so I am not surprised by your observation. It feels different again when I use a Trac cartridge.
I noticed the same. I used to think that canned foam had thickener and accelerant in their product so that they could sell more product. I think the deal is that using a DE the blades are sharper and you are cutting the whiskers in multiple directions.

i get a different whisker growth feeling from different blades and razors. Moreover, a straight gives another entirely different feeling.

i think the growth speed has to do with how healthier you skin is now that you are using nicer product and exfoliating with a brush.

what are the other items in your setup?

Insomnia out.
^^^^ what he said!

Healthier hair grows better and you are cutting not hacking so each hair has a cleaner (but sharper) edge.

I have a 5 o'clock shadow at about 5 o'clock and initially this changed and seemed worse earlier with a DE but a more aggressive razor or going ATG keeps it at 5 o'clock. Nothing gets me through the evening anyway I've discovered.
The other items in my setup are Palmolive soap and cream, 'Shave' brand cream and now I have some glycerine. My brush is a cheapie I bought for four dollars at the super market. I'll get some better ones soon. I bought a lot of seven razors on Saturday last. They include two Gillette News (one with a ball end handle), three ball end Techs including one that is aluminium, a fat handle tech and an Aristocrat. I use a cute little chinese rice bowl for lathering that I stole it from my ex GF. :) Finally I have a 1x/7x vanity mirror which has a LED light surround. I have three packs of blades with which I am experimenting - Merkur, Indian made Wilkinson Sword and Astras. I am looking forward to trying Feather blades in these razors.
...Nothing gets me through the evening anyway I've discovered.

A nice pour or two of Lagavulin should help with this Mark!

Ausssie, I think it is a couple of things.
1) the hair definitely comes back pointier/sharper with DE vs Cart.
2) you are just paying more attention to your face due to the new interest.
I noticed the same thing. One thing that I wonder may be happening is that the carts always claim to shave "below the skin," which they may do since they pull the hair up as they cut (which is why carts can promote more in-grown hairs). One may be able to shave right down to the skin with DE razor, but certainly not below the skin. So it may be that the beard as it grows back has less far to travel, so it seems to appear sooner in the day. Don't know about whether using a DE razor makes the beard fuller or thicker.

As for me, I don't mind the shadow showing up earlier, or being a little pricklier at the end of the day. As others have noted, even the stubble feels better. And I have more beard to shave off in the morning. It's a win, win, win!
I would certainly say my hair grows in a more even manner. Not longer here than there like with a Fusion. My experience anyway.
I'm new to all this, so my DE technique is a bit hit and miss at the moment, so I'm definitely not getting as close a shave as I was with my cartridge. My stubble looks and feels different to when I was using a cartridge. It's much more noticable and comes back quicker. No doubt I'll be getting a smoother shave as I improve my technique, but the benefit of not getting an ultra close shave at the moment is that I need a shave every day, which means I can get in more practice!

I still have problem areas after switching to traditional shaving. But still a vast improvement over cartridge shaving. Used to be my whole neck now it's just one or two areas that are tricky. Strangely though, there was a good few months before the new problem areas arose. So I think the geography of your beard can alter a bit after the switch.
I don't doubt that something may look or feel different, but the beard hasn't changed. The "cut" at the end of the whiskers could be different, and the closeness of the shave could be different, which changes how the stubble looks and feels, and how soon or how long after the shave it becomes apparent. But the beard hasn't changed.
I have had a similar experience. My shave seems to be more short-lived. I can only attribute this to less pulling and more cutting. But I'd rather have an enjoyable shave every day than an awful shave every few days, which was the case with my old cartridge setup.

Also, just like omen said, my 5 o'clock comes in very even. No patchiness and very little irritation.
Just curious about the comment that a cart razor pulls hair and cuts it below skin level. My question with that is then why would you not get a BBS with a cart? At least I never did! Even when I made multiple passes same as my DE.
Hmm my own experience is different. My DE shave is considerably closer than my old cartridge shave, and stays smooth longer. About 7 or 8 hours after a DE shave, my face feels similar to a fresh cartridge shave. Now I'm addicted to the smooth feel and can't wait to shave again!
I don't think my beard has changed much. What has changed are my results. They are more consistent and smoother. My beard itself is the same, though.
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