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Cella Crema da Barba Poll

Do you have Cella Crema da Barba in your rotation?

  • Yes, I like it.

  • No, I've tried it and don't like it.

  • No, I've not tried it.

  • I don't know and don't care, when do we go on the snow monkey hunt?

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This is just a simple poll to see how many have tried and their opinion of Cella Crema da Barba. Some call it a soap and some call it a cream. Is it a soft soap or a hard cream? Irregardless, it has a nice almond and butter aroma and, IMO, provides a nice slick lather. The more I use it, the more I like it.
Irregardless, it has a nice almond and butter aroma and, IMO, provides a nice slick lather. The more I use it, the more I like it.

Whoah, I think I may have misunderestimated this stuff :001_302:
Seriously, though, is the texture anything like Omega or Proraso shave soaps? You say Cella is a soft soap or a hard cream which would describe either of those very well.
It is a little harder than the Proraso. Almost a hard doughy texture.

I bought some, used it and put it in the back of the cabinet. After a plumbing problem that is causing my master bedroom and bath to be remodeled, I had to move my shave den into my teenage daughter's bathroom. Due to this, I was also looking for some ways to cut my shave time down on work and school days, so I started face lathering and pulled the Cella back out. After a couple of days, I realized I had underestimated it greatly.

I found it likes face lathering and a well loaded brush.
I'd compare it to modeling clay for hardness. Quite firm, but pliable. The Valobra I have is much softer.

Cella makes an amazing lather, so if you had troubles with it, try a couple of drops of water on the puck and really load the brush (maybe the surface of your soap had dried out a bit?). It will take more water to work up the lather than some soaps.

I find that the lather feels "heavier" than my Tabac lather, no matter what the hydration level. I don't know if it's some cohesive factor in the lather, or there is a smaller average bubble size or what, but it just has more heft to it. And I like it!

For the price, you can't NOT try the stuff. I'd hand it to any noobie with confidence that they'd have good luck with it. Yeah, it's GOOD.
A good mentholated AS really adds to the experience with Cella. The scents of the almond and butter blend well with Spanish or Italian Floids. Not overbearing and not too long lasting, they do well together.
I love the stuff. I used it once and hated it, but gave it another chance and can't go on without it. It's VERY protective and slick and does moisturize pretty good. For the price you can't go wrong.
Being a face latherer, Cella is my "If I could only have one" soap. I put it slightly about MWF and quite a bit above Tabac. That'll get me some flame!

I have all three so I know.



Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I call it soap not cream especially since it's full of tallow goodness.
Can't vote since I haven't decided yet if I like it. :tongue: The lather is fantastic, but I also rate by smell, and I'm disappointed with how faint and faintly animal-smelling it is.
it's OK - but not a part of my rotation... so I chose "I tried it, don't like it" from among the responses.

I don't don't like it... just from out of the very many other choices I have, I almost never go to this.

Also - reportedly - it goes bad... see:

however- do note that people who like this stuff really really like it. (I've just reread some older threads about this product: I probably am risking my good standing here with my *meh* vote - and I would withdraw the vote if I could.)

So. All in all...

Cella really isn't that bad.

Not bad at all.

In fact, it's quite good.


It's likely the best soap you'll ever ever try.

Trust me.
Cella produces a great lather and feels nice after completing a shave. A tub easily lasts one year.

IMO Cella does not shave as close as other soaps like Tabac. If closeness is important suggest trying other soaps. Nonetheless a good soap.
it's OK - but not a part of my rotation... so I chose "I tried it, don't like it" from among the responses.

I don't don't like it... just from out of the very many other choices I have, I almost never go to this.

Also - reportedly - it goes bad... see:

however- do note that people who like this stuff really really like it. (I've just reread some older threads about this product: I probably am risking my good standing here with my *meh* vote - and I would withdraw the vote if I could.)

So. All in all...

Cella really isn't that bad.

Not bad at all.

In fact, it's quite good.


It's likely the best soap you'll ever ever try.

Trust me.

Its ok if you don't care for the Cella at first. It does seem to be an acquired taste. Just be careful not to say anything bad about Tabac or Bacon.
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