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Caved into AD again!!!!

Just caved into AD again tonight have just bought a 3 pipe rack from ebay and also a 39c from timothy edwards. The plan is i'm either going to get a mergress (if i can) or just a progress and my 3 pipe rack can house these with my 34c which is sitting in my bedroom.Sorry guys don't have any picture taking ability here but if you go to ebay you will find the rack i bought was only £19.50 i think and ther are still 2 left if any body would be interested in the same product.Next up is going to be a nice big glass jar to keep my blades in,have only just started looking though. AD's are bad but they feel soooo good!!!:thumbup:
will take a shufti at what you bought. yesterday i 'won' a 34C and a dozen sample packs for £28 quid (inc post) - even though my 38C only turned up on Weds. I have been looking at stands though, but not found one suitable - as yet.
will take a shufti at what you bought. yesterday i 'won' a 34C and a dozen sample packs for £28 quid (inc post) - even though my 38C only turned up on Weds. I have been looking at stands though, but not found one suitable - as yet.
Nice haul you got, i saw someone either here or on another forum say they had got the pipe rack with the glass jar so i was pretty much inspired. Had a look online and would say ebay is the best bet for us being from the UK, especially if you want one of the bigger racks :thumbup1:
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