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Castle Forbes Lathering

I have seen a couple posts recently about difficulty with lathering CF creams. Most reviews I have read here are very positive, but I thought I would share my experience with CF as I just started using it recently as well (Cedarwood and Sandalwood).

I have been a bowler for awhile now since I tried Proraso in a tube. I use a regular ceramic bowl and tried the CF in it at first too and had difficulty making a satisfactory lather. After a few attempts I went to face lathering and it worked wonderfully with minimal loading and generous amounts of water.

Most of you that have experienced this cream know how excellent it is, just wanted to through this out there for the few that might still be having trouble lathering and considering discontinuing the use of this outstanding cream.
I found it is best used as a soap - load the brush in the plastic container then move to your face, which needs to be very wet.

I also found that it dried up on my face quite quickly. Did anyone else experience this?


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I use it in a scuttle. I put a small amount in the bottom of the scuttle. I'm using the lavender, which isn't quite as hard - but it can help with more croap like creams to mash it flat in the bottom of the bowl. I start with a medium moisture (not really dry, but not really wet - you know, medium) brush and have quite a bit of lather in about 20 seconds. Then I slowly add water (off my fingertips) until it's perfect. It's one of my easier creams to lather.

It never dries on my face - or even in the warm scuttle - but I don't face lather with it.
CF has always been high up on my list of creams to try next (once I put a dent in the current batch) but it seems to be taking a bit of a kicking on B&B recently. I'm sure I will give it a go sometime but my expectations will be a bit lower. Which is probably a good thing.
I don't think there is a cream that lathers easier. I used it last night. I swirled my brush 4 times in the tub and then face lathered. After a couple swirls on my face it was a lather bomb. I wish they all could be like that.
I have a sample I have used about 6 times and I swirl a little bit in the cup I have it in and face lather. Lots of lather and doesn't dry but needs lots of water! Cant wait to get a full tub of it!
I used Castle Forbes for the first time this morning (Lavender), and it is now my new favorite! I face-lather exclusively, so that may be something to consider. I also usually use a fairly dense brush (an M&F Butterscotch Blonde Badger in 52 x 28, which is similar in size to a Simpson Chubby 2). With a wet brush and a good-sized blob of cream on the tip of the brush, I was able to whip up a huge amount of lather very quickly (within seconds). It was also very cushioning, slick, and non-drying. After four passes, I still had enough lather in the brush for four more passes!

CF cream may not be as soft as Kiss My Face cream (which is really good, inexpensive, and readily available), but it is not hard in my book (at least, the Lavender is not). It may be slightly harder than, say, GFT creams, but it is not like a block of soap. Again, my new favorite!
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Anyone else use this cream but face-lathers with it?

I exclusively face lather CF. I use the lime and my brother gave me a portion of his Cedarwood sandalwood. I may like the latter better but both lather wonderfully as long as your face is really wet.
I bowl lathered with it for the first time last night with a sample of Lime. It really exploded in the bowl after just a few swirls. I put about a pea sized amount in the bottom of the bowl and pressed it flat. Filled it with water and let the soap and brush soak while in the shower. I then dumped out the water and went to town. It was amazing. Best lather I have made yet.
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Anyone else use this cream but face-lathers with it?

I once had a TSA size tub. All gone now. I would cut a tiny chunk out with a makeup spoon and then smear it flat into the stubble on my chin and cheeks and face lather from there.
I purchased this product due to the reviews on this forum & others. I face lather& I think this cream is the most over hyped & expensive out there. It is not worth the hassle to get a good lather. It does not work for me & I have used a brush since I was 18 & Iam 67 now.


System Generated
I face lather with CF and have no issues. Swirl directly on tub, lather on face. Various brushes and they all work for it.

i always get 3+ passes of thick and slick lather
To brucered. I do the same thing that you do & for the life of me cannot get this cream to work for me. I like the scent & am open to any suggestions. I have no issues with the 3 ts or any other cream I have tried. I have been doing this for almost 50 years, so I think I know what Iam doing. I really wanted this cream to work. Help me out here guys. Thanks. Grayson


System Generated
To brucered. I do the same thing that you do & for the life of me cannot get this cream to work for me. I like the scent & am open to any suggestions. I have no issues with the 3 ts or any other cream I have tried. I have been doing this for almost 50 years, so I think I know what Iam doing. I really wanted this cream to work. Help me out here guys. Thanks. Grayson

i know many say 5 sec of swirling does it, or 5-6 swirls, but i don't live by that rule.

try loading with a damp brush (I always use badger with this one as I don't want it to dig up too much) and then swirl directly on the CF with a damp brush (not soaking wet, not squeazed dry) and load for 30sec of light swirling, until it starts to form on the brush.

from there, you will likely be able to get down to 15sec or so. i don't try to make it last forever, so load it like crazy and enjoy it. i find it still lasted forever for me to get thru my 1st tub of Lime. i have another one waiting, and about 3/4 of a Lavender still too


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I'm currently using Lavender. I know from a sample that the Lime is a much harder cream - really more of a croap. If you're having trouble facelathering from the tub my first guess would be not enough product.


System Generated
I'm currently using Lavender. I know from a sample that the Lime is a much harder cream - really more of a croap. If you're having trouble facelathering from the tub my first guess would be not enough product.

my Lime & Lavender are identical in consistency.

the sample you have may have dried out. i know when i am regularly using them, they get softer, likely from the transfer of water from brush to tub.
the sample you have may have dried out.

I had a CF sample once that was dried out and not really representative of the product. If you're really interested in trying a CF cream, you may want to spring for one of their travel size containers.

I personally found CF lime to lather very easily. I thought I read somewhere that they reformulated recently to a paraben-free formula, but I'm not sure, and I'm not sure if this possible new formula is supposed to perform better, worse, or the same as the prior version.


System Generated
I had a CF sample once that was dried out and not really representative of the product. If you're really interested in trying a CF cream, you may want to spring for one of their travel size containers.

I personally found CF lime to lather very easily. I thought I read somewhere that they reformulated recently to a paraben-free formula, but I'm not sure, and I'm not sure if this possible new formula is supposed to perform better, worse, or the same as the prior version.

mine have always been Paraben-Free and have no experience with the Paraben versions. I have never had any issues with the Lime or Lavender making lather. They explode when i use them, but I always make sure to use plenty of product and they seem to hold a decent amount of water, as my lather is always nice and shiny, thick yoghurt consistency.

I don't think the CF reformulation was a bad one like Pens and the other ones that people always talk about.
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