Ever hear of Compton's of Galashiels tobacco? Neither had I, until I stumbled onto their reviews at tobaccoreviews.com. Apparently a guy in Toronto has been hand blending baccy from very old Scottish recipes and according to the limited reviews and a few posts on some other pipe forums, he has created some English and Balkan blends that stand, at the very least, shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the more well known big boys from Esoterica, G.L. Pease, etc. The catch is that he won't sell to Canadians because of some obscure subsection of our federal Tobacco Act. It doesn't even prohibit outrights sales, just shipping/mailing from distributor/vendor to customer (something many other Canadian tobacconists do without hesitation, I might add). Anyway, he won't even sell me any for pick-up in person.
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