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Can you help me ID these single edge razors

Top: GEM FeatherWeight (could be an Ever Ready one too, not sure), very mild

Right top- Pushbutton- EXTREMELY mild

Bottom right: GEM Open Comb Micromatic. Very aggressive, but an amazing razor

Bottom left: GEM 1912 or GEM Jr. Middle of the road agressive-wise, a great first SE. Let me know if you need some blades for those!
I've never shaved with a single edge-- used an injector back in the 60s. If I'm happy with a DE, is there a reason I would like one of these better?
The 1912 is a great shave! Featherweight and Push Button on the mild side, Micromatic OC needs to be used with care during the learning process.

Pick up a package of Treet (carbon steel) blades (available at Rite-Aid) for a close, smooth shave. Stainless Steel GEM blades (from Walgreens) will last longer, but aren't as smooth on the face. (Just don't use hardware store utility razor blades . . .)

The added thickness of the SE blade will give you a straight razor-like shave while keeping the "safety" in the equation.
Thanks all. Very helpful comments. I bought the lot just for the Senator, but it looks like I get to try some SEs! I'll pick up a pack of Treets at Rite Aid.
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