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Can Fragrances Degrade If Left Uncapped Or Stored Incorrectly?

I bought an open bottle of a favorite fragrance of mine from a well-intended B&B member. The bottle was sold without a cap, which I didn't think would be a problem. I also have the end of a 2 year old bottle of the same fragrance, which I had stored with the cap on and away from light and heat. After comparing the two bottles, I noticed that my bottle smells a bit different than the one I just got. The uncapped bottle has a slight alcohol smell and while it doesn't smell "off" or sour, it seems a bit weaker and doesn't last quite as long.

Is it possible that the bottle being left without a cap caused the scent to degrade? Or might the bottle have been stored too close to a heat source or by a window, causing the scent to fade and the alcohol base to become more prominent? I've been wearing the fragrance every day and comparing the two bottles for about a week now, and I don't think this is my imagination: they really do smell slightly different.

This is not a slam against the seller, who meant well and gave me a very good deal. This is just a learning experience for me about fragrances.

A cap has nothing to do with it. Light and heat can. What is the fragrance? Someone here might know if the fragrance you are asking about varies batch to batch.
Several factors to consider.

Fragrances WILL degrade over time. But if stored dark and away from excessive heat, most fragrances can last for decades and still be fine.
But the higher the amount of natural ingredients in the frag, the faster it will turn over. Therefore a lot of niche fragrances will probably not survive as long as some of more synthetic composed designer fragrances.
You actually also hear from people, who actually thinks a certain fragrance improves as it ages. An example is YSL Kouros and Dior Fahrenheit, which I persoanlly think becomes stronger and more intense over time the more air there is in the bottle.

So the question is really hard to answer with one reply, as there are no absolute true reply to the question.
Thanks for the answers, gentlemen.

The fragrance in question is Dior Homme Sport. Since I don't know when the original owner bought it, or how he stored it, I'll really never know what caused the slight difference I'm noticing. It's not bad enough that I'm tossing out the bottle, but I not sure I'd buy another used fragrance without asking questions about age and storage.

Thanks for the answers, gentlemen.

The fragrance in question is Dior Homme Sport. Since I don't know when the original owner bought it, or how he stored it, I'll really never know what caused the slight difference I'm noticing. It's not bad enough that I'm tossing out the bottle, but I not sure I'd buy another used fragrance without asking questions about age and storage.


Dior Homme Sport has been reformulated. Maybe one of your bottles is the original and one is the new reformulation and that is why they smell different?

I am still not sure about the cap thing. I have had bottles in the past for years and never had caps for them as I bought them as testers and I could never notice any change in them. But I could be wrong on this one.....just because nothing happened to my bottles does not mean that is a sure thing for everyone I guess.
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