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Can anyone suggest a steam cleaner?

I am looking at getting a steam cleaner to clean and sterlize my razor finds. Can anyone suggest one?

Very easy, you can find it in your kitchen: find a pot and put some water (enough for the time you intend to boil), and use something to elevate your razor, cover the pot, turn on the heat and off you go.

I am looking at getting a steam cleaner to clean and sterlize my razor finds. Can anyone suggest one?

True sterilizing requires 15 lbs. pressure for 15 minutes; this will kill staph, hepatitus, and pretty much any other nasties. "Baby" autoclaves, as were once used in dental offices and tattoo shops (my experience with them is in the latter, actually) start around $900 rebuilt/reconditioned (I don't believe they're made anymore) and are a bargain compared to used modern dental sterilizers and "Chemclaves" which can run $5-6K.

You might want to stick to Barbicide and just disinfect, and treat cleaning as a separate operation. However, I've worked in jewelry as well (what my resume lacks in depth, it makes up for in colorfulness) and they use a small steam jet to clean rings and such. It won't sterilize, per se, but if you can track one down it'll do a bang-up job of clearing the grunge off.

On a somewhat more modest scale, this website is annoying as all get out but the appliance looks like the right idea and it's only $100: http://jeweljet.com/

True sterilizing requires 15 lbs. pressure for 15 minutes; this will kill staph, hepatitus, and pretty much any other nasties.


Just waving steam at something won't do it because steam cools extremely quickly when it leaves the heat source.

Unless you have health issues, just concern yourself with sanitizing the object by washing it well and using some sort of disinfectant. That's good enough for the things we use to eat with.
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