I've been image searching awhile now, but I can't ID this snake. Saw him on my running trail after a strong rain shower near a marshy area. Thanks!
We're not just lather lovers here at B&BFlorida banded watersnake is the closest match I have found by image searching. I am in SW FL. Thanks for playing! Knew I could count on a shaving forum to answer a herpetology question!
my first thought too with the color and head, especially the head, it does look like it could be poisonous.The head appears to have venom sacks... Rat snakes don't have a wide head like that. That snake has recently shed it's skin, very bright in color...
Cottonmouth.Venomous Water Moccasin is my guess... The band pattern can differ quite a bit from hatch to hatch...
I was wondering if KJ was a snake man as well.
Yep, I started with snakes. Spiders came later. I'm just getting back into keeping snakes. I currently have 3.