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can a brush be left in the shower stall?

Was wondering if I could leave a brush inside the shower stall. Will constant humidity cause the bristles to breakdown or the glue to loosen? I was considering buying a synthetic for that purpose.
im not sure about a synthetic, but for sure you cant leave a badger in there for the reasons mentioned.
the main concern IMO would be the bristles not drying completely and the resulting mold/mildew buildup. A synthetic would be best for a shower brush, but you'd probably want to give it a thorough cleaning once a week or so
My wife does this with her brush and it drives me crazy even if its not mine. Don't worry though, I rescue, care for it, and tell it everything will be fine.:w00t:
I don't leave any brush in the bathroom. It's typically a humid environment, and I feel my brushes dry better in a well-ventilated place outside the bathroom.

the main concern IMO would be the bristles not drying completely and the resulting mold/mildew buildup. A synthetic would be best for a shower brush, but you'd probably want to give it a thorough cleaning once a week or so
+1 on the mildew aspect. I'd never leave a dense brush in the shower for an extended period of time.
I've left brushes on a shelf in the shower. It doesn't get sprayed on and humidity is not an issue because the bathroom door is open all day letting the room air out. Humidity is only a temporary thing in there while the shower is being used. If the humidity was kept up then black mold would form on the shower and bathroom walls, which I have seen in several homes. They never air the room out.
I shave regularly in the shower, but I never leave my brushes in there. After I use it, it goes in the stand to dry in the outer area of the bathroom and whichever razor I used returns to it's spot in a rack or toothbrush holder.
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