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Call me a heretic

I’m probably going to be called a heretic for this. I may have a few shave creams from both Prorazo and TOBS and knightsbridge. Yet I find myself enjoying the inexpensive Barbersol original in a can. I honestly don’t find a difference in shaving quality or skin irritation. So I find myself as my bougie shave creams run out I will probably go back to what I started with circa 1984 Barbersol in a can. A can costs me 1.75 and performs just as good as TOBS. That’s me I can’t speak for others. What I am saying is I am going back to GEN-X old school


Collecting wife bonus parts
I’m probably going to be called a heretic for this. I may have a few shave creams from both Prorazo and TOBS and knightsbridge. Yet I find myself enjoying the inexpensive Barbersol original in a can. I honestly don’t find a difference in shaving quality or skin irritation. So I find myself as my bougie shave creams run out I will probably go back to what I started with circa 1984 Barbersol in a can. A can costs me 1.75 and performs just as good as TOBS. That’s me I can’t speak for others. What I am saying is I am going back to GEN-X old school
I like Barbasol and Gillette Foamy quite a bit. Nothing wrong with them or using them.
Using real shave soap (Cella was the first), I ended the long trend of cuts and irritation I got when using canned foam. The difference was very surprising.

For me, using real shave soap was a big step in getting better shaves.

If canned foam works for some people, that's wonderful.

Using real shave soap (Cella was the first), I ended the long trend of cuts and irritation I got when using canned foam. The difference was very surprising.

For me, using real shave soap was a big step in getting better shaves.

If canned foam works for some people, that's wonderful.

Same here, the constant clogging and lack of residual slickness didn't work. Especially when shaving my head

Dave himself

Wee Words of Wisdom
I’m probably going to be called a heretic for this. I may have a few shave creams from both Prorazo and TOBS and knightsbridge. Yet I find myself enjoying the inexpensive Barbersol original in a can. I honestly don’t find a difference in shaving quality or skin irritation. So I find myself as my bougie shave creams run out I will probably go back to what I started with circa 1984 Barbersol in a can. A can costs me 1.75 and performs just as good as TOBS. That’s me I can’t speak for others. What I am saying is I am going back to GEN-X old school
I say if it works for you and makes you happy stick with it.
For about a month I shaved exclusively with a liquid soap type product. I really didn’t notice until I went back to my normal soaps and creams at the difference in how my skin looked. My skin was more hydrated and looked healthier when I went back. I always found canned cream to be more drying, however if it works for you then so be it. I like shaving with an injector and some of the purists would call that heresy.
You're not a heretic, you're a heathen!

Basically you get similar chemicals to other shave creams in a spray can with lots of propellant gas like butane. Probably some nice chemicals like triethanolamine in the mix. Hey, if it works, it should be all right.


Ditto, ditto
You do what you like. That’s the point.

Still, you owe it to yourself to try a small tub of Cella Red and a puck of Arko. Your investment will be minimal. Then, when you fall in love with Cella, you can buy a kilo of it. And a kilo of Vitos Red + Coco, which is even better (you won’t find a small tub, sadly).

These three soaps are all I use, except Arko sticks when I travel.
Barbasol gave me a good shave, but none of the other promised accoutrements...

barbasol foam filarmonica canoe february 10 2016.jpg
As others have said, "Hey, if it works for you ..."
It doesn't work quite as well for me. I used Barbasol for years and it did just fine. But since switching to shave soaps and creams, I definitely feel they're superior. But, again, if it works for you, that's terrific.
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