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Butterscotch restore questions

I picked up a very nice Butterscotch handle from a local antique store.
The brush is in wonderful condition and it's a very nice colour.
Pictures are attached. The second one shows what's stamped on it.
I'm intending to restore it, but I have a question or two.
1. On it is stamped: M1 Best Badger S Simpson. Does anyone know anything about this model?
2. If I put a new knot in, what do you think would be the most accurate loft to recreate what this brush might have originally been like?

Any help is appreciated. I'm excited to get this one started.
I have Ever Ready and Rubberset handles I'm going to practice on first.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Nice brush. I don't know much about them but my quick guess would be a best badger knot to replace the best badger... However, if you are changing the knot, put something you like. If it's best badger, silvertip, finest, boar, etc...


Nice acquisition and plan!:thumbup1:

I'm going to find a handle I like as well and do similar, (when the right handle comes along.)
Another forum member (prophetic_joe) restored a similar butterscotch handle that I had traded to him. It's a beauty!

So it looks like a shorter loft, bulb shaped knot would be good?
That's what I was leaning towards.
So it looks like a shorter loft, bulb shaped knot would be good?
That's what I was leaning towards.

It really depends on what you want it to do. FYI: The photo you see is before any use, and it will bloom out after use and display a much more rounded appearance.

A shorter loft will result in more backbone. I believe that setup is geared to soaps and perhaps face latherers. A taller loft will result in less backbone and larger bloom, and is better suited to bowl lathering with creams. Too tall and you end up with a paintbrush, which is what some guys like... I'm just not one of them.
It's definitely a vintage Simpson. For additional restore points you could get in touch with Vulfix, who owns Simpsons now, and try to get a decal but I have heard that as of late they have been hard to get in touch with. As far as the knot it was a best badger knot but unless you are trying to go for perfect restore I would just use what you think will be the best knot for your particular lathering style. Same answer for loft. I have found that traditionally most badger brushes are set at from 50mm to 55mm from the factory though. Again though the Vulfix customer service people may be able to give you actual specs. you could try getting in touch with them and asking for the original loft measurement on a M1 Best Badger S Simpson brush.
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