For the past couple of years I have read numerous stories here about the Merkur Slant and Feather blades and how wonderful it is. Well a couple of weeks ago I ordered what was called the "Sledgehammer" a long handle chrome 39-C along with Feather blades. 2 days ago (Friday) my order came in. It was a beautiful razor, long handle and heavy, I had a gleem in my eye like a new dad, couldn't wait to give it a shot. I was tickled to death, gonna move up with the "Big Boys" Yesterday I got everything ready, lathered up good and after 2 passes, BBS and 3 cuts. They wern't that bad, just little ones, today 8 cuts, thats right, "8"!! that was 10 hours ago and my face still hurts!! I never had this problem with the gold HD and wilkinson's so the slant is going to be retired to be viewed and remember the butchering I got. And yes, I will go back to being one of the "little boys" with my HD. Those of you who use this system, have my ultimate respect.