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Butchered my face with a slant.

For the past couple of years I have read numerous stories here about the Merkur Slant and Feather blades and how wonderful it is. Well a couple of weeks ago I ordered what was called the "Sledgehammer" a long handle chrome 39-C along with Feather blades. 2 days ago (Friday) my order came in. It was a beautiful razor, long handle and heavy, I had a gleem in my eye like a new dad, couldn't wait to give it a shot. I was tickled to death, gonna move up with the "Big Boys" Yesterday I got everything ready, lathered up good and after 2 passes, BBS and 3 cuts. They wern't that bad, just little ones, today 8 cuts, thats right, "8"!! that was 10 hours ago and my face still hurts!! I never had this problem with the gold HD and wilkinson's so the slant is going to be retired to be viewed and remember the butchering I got. And yes, I will go back to being one of the "little boys" with my HD. Those of you who use this system, have my ultimate respect.
When I owned a Slant the only blades I used in it were Red Personna's. Feathers work great in mild razors like the Gillette Tech but they can eat you alive in aggressive ones.
I've had a Merkur 39c for about a month and a half now. Very much like you described, I had good shaves with just a nick or two and I've had rough shaves where I've donated some significant blood to the cause. I've experimented with using smoother blades with my sledge hammer. I've also refined my technique and learned to pay close attention to all parts of my shave. Perhaps you are wiser than me but like a fool I keep trying. In my mind I have learned to shave better for it.
I had the same experience but only in reverse. I had been using the Barberpole (38c) for about 18 months, but decided to become one of the "Big Boys" too. I ordered an HD gold slant (37g). I used it twice with a Feather blade and both times left me bloody. I rationalized that it was because I was use to the weight and shape of the 38c, so I really need to order the Sledgehammer (39c). The truth was that I didn't want to become a "little boy" again. When I used the 39c for the first time with a Feather, I had two small weepers and am still using the 39c/Feather daily. I have no idea what I did with that 37g , but I haven't seen it since the second shave. When I do find it, you will see it in the BST.
I have the 39C and I find that using a Gillette 7 O'clock Yellow with it gives me a great shave. I really think it is a YMMV thing. You have to find the right blade for you with the slant. IMO, it is a great razor if you get the right blade combo for you.
Slants are aggressive in terms of beard reduction, but are generally pretty mild as far as comfort goes. I can only assume it was the blade that caused all the problems.
Don't give up. I find feathers are really not all that great a blade: it seems to me the edge is just too delicate and they get rough really fast.

Also: it's of crucial importance to align the blade properly when using a slant. Some have better tolerances out of the factory than others. Some guys never have to worry about blade alignment, but the three slants I've owned all needed their blades aligned. Do a search there are posts about this with pictures, but the basic idea is to align the blade while looking at it from a bird's eye point of view, ie. from the top, and align the blade using the "bumps" on the bar. Don't use the cap as a guide.
I totally agree with point that blade alignment can be a real issue. I have a vintage Coles Slant. It has alot of play when it comes to blade alignment. It takes me awhile to change blades but as long as I get it right, it's great. I use Feathers and find that they are very smooth. I have yet to try a newer Merker so I can't speak about any differences that there might be. Everybody's different but I do love the Feather/Slant combo.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
+1 on checking the blade alignment. I know some guys think it's bull but I know if I don't do it I get cut.

The Slant really is a different animal, mine took about 2 weeks to get acceptable shaves with, now I use it in the shower with no mirror. I found I get the best results by eliminating the WTG pass, I shave once XTG and then once ATG, and I'm good to go.
When I owned a Slant the only blades I used in it were Red Personna's. Feathers work great in mild razors like the Gillette Tech but they can eat you alive in aggressive ones.

+1.. As OP's have mentioned I too have discovered that a milder blade in an aggressive unit is the norm and sharper blade in a milder unit is the better route. Try using a milder blade in the slant and see if that helps out.
I have a confession to make: Feathers do not give me great shaves in the BP Slant. RP Personnas, and Astras do.

I would try it with a different blade and especially since you said your face was hurting, check the alignment
If you got hacked up that bad it has to be the blade alignment. 50,000,000 slant users can't be wrong.

This post makes the point clear:

That said, I know if I had hacked myself up that badly it would be extremely hard to go back to that razor. Let it alone for awhile. Go back in a few weeks and give it another try.

Personally, I've only used the HD slant and a vintage slant. I've shied away from the sledge hammer (barber pole) slant because it looks too heavy and the long handle would tend to make me use too much leverage (pressure).

When I shave with a slant (which is every day for a year now) I grip the handle just an inch or so below the head. Otherwise, there's too much weight on the blade.

I'd bet big money your issue is/was blade alignment. It's a fine point but I think it's the single leading cause to problems shaving with slants.
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the stories and advice. I looked at what showed proper allignment and improper. I did notice when it tightened the head down is was not straight but I thought that was how it should be. I was farther out on one end on each side. That may be why I got a good butchering. So rather than retire it, this weekend I'm going put in one of my Wilkinsons, try to line it up and try again. I'll let you know the results.

PS: it's Monday night and my face still hurts :angry:

Hi Guys,
Thanks for the stories and advice. I looked at what showed proper allignment and improper. I did notice when it tightened the head down is was not straight but I thought that was how it should be. I was farther out on one end on each side. That may be why I got a good butchering. So rather than retire it, this weekend I'm going put in one of my Wilkinsons, try to line it up and try again. I'll let you know the results.

PS: it's Monday night and my face still hurts :angry:


It's killing us. :lol:
A 39c and a progress are my next purchases in the razor dept, keep going with the slant give it a real try before you shelf it.
Feathers scare the hell out of me, i can't recall one shave yet when i used a feather and my face didn't weep. I can only assume feathers are to DE shaving what a well honed blade is to cut throat razoring. Clearly some skill required.
Yes, I agree with what has been said here.

It was the Feather blade and blade alignment that butchered your face, not the sledgehammer slant.

For me it's the opposite and the slant cuts less than a regular HD
Personally, I wouldn't give up on either the Sledgehammer or the Feather!
The Sledgehammer might your wetshaving Nirvana with a Derby or something else... And the Feather just might be the same in a Merkur HD or similar..

I just takes a bit of experimentation...
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