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Bunch of pictures from old newspapers

Very cool thanks for posting them ... I seem to have chosen a Gillette New as my main razor, wonderful old thing and still looks good.
Very cool. It's interesting how product endorsements by sports stars were used back then. Must have been really easy for the athlete: didn't have to talk, didn't even have to look good since it was a drawing anyway. Just agree to let them use your name and cash the check.
There's a lot more just search google news archieves then specify dates... I found the ad for gillette SS kit with FISHING LURES to be quiet strange...
Few more guys...

$milwaukee sentinel dec 5 1959.jpg
In 1959 in the MilWaukee Sentinel Dec 5 this article was posted stating that Gillette had not advertised in newspapers in around a 1/4 of a century... pretty cool if you look at the past ads.. I wonder why they stopped doing it...
$montreal gazette jul 9 1931.jpg
In the Montreal Gazette Jul 9 1931 this article was posted, around 1 year before King Gillette died, it makes you wonder if this was a cause of stress that might have lead to death...

This next article was in the Pittsburge Press Jul 23, 1931 also around 1 year before King Gillette died..

$pittsburge press jul 23 1931.jpg
I knew they had a very strong hold on the market, but not that strong of a hold!!

I guess it explains the lack of more ads over all this time. I'm assuming if they could go that long without advertising that they probably don't need to have made a ton of ads for a lot of the time ...
I wonder why they did have such a strong hold until then though. Maybe since the DE beat the SE they had a patent until it expired and Schick entered the market?

I wonder if some people know more details!
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