Very cool. It's interesting how product endorsements by sports stars were used back then. Must have been really easy for the athlete: didn't have to talk, didn't even have to look good since it was a drawing anyway. Just agree to let them use your name and cash the check.
There's a lot more just search google news archieves then specify dates... I found the ad for gillette SS kit with FISHING LURES to be quiet strange...
In 1959 in the MilWaukee Sentinel Dec 5 this article was posted stating that Gillette had not advertised in newspapers in around a 1/4 of a century... pretty cool if you look at the past ads.. I wonder why they stopped doing it...
In the Montreal Gazette Jul 9 1931 this article was posted, around 1 year before King Gillette died, it makes you wonder if this was a cause of stress that might have lead to death...
This next article was in the Pittsburge Press Jul 23, 1931 also around 1 year before King Gillette died..
I knew they had a very strong hold on the market, but not that strong of a hold!!
I guess it explains the lack of more ads over all this time. I'm assuming if they could go that long without advertising that they probably don't need to have made a ton of ads for a lot of the time ...
I wonder why they did have such a strong hold until then though. Maybe since the DE beat the SE they had a patent until it expired and Schick entered the market?