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My found in wild NOS 21, FINALLY DEVELOPED A CRACK IN THE nib(?) section and is leaking like a sieve!!!:(, only paid $9 for it in a box, brand new. Drove by the spot I GOT IT the other day, and it is gone!!! He had some good stuff in there, pens and razors as well as all kinds of other junk!!! Has anyone repaired these successfully?? Or should I just part it out?
Sorry to hear this. Part it out. 21's are notorious for cracking as age plays its game with the plastic
I probably wouldn't bother trying to repair it. You can probably get a replacement Parker 21 for $15 or $20 on eBay. If you want to mess around with epoxy or super glue, you might be able to patch it up, but it's gonna look like hell... :001_unsur


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I know where you can get black or blue hoods for the 21s with the small 51-style tubular nib for $10 if you are interested in fixing it.
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