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Buffalo Trace vs Makers Mark

Buffalo Trace vs Makers Mark

  • Buffalo Trace

  • Makers Mark

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Picking up a bottle tomorrow. Not sure which one to get. Not a big bourbon drinker. Your thoughts?
At this price point I would prefer Elija Craig 12 or W.L. Weller 12 but as that is not an option... Buffalo Trace.
At this price point I would prefer Elija Craig 12 or W.L. Weller 12 but as that is not an option... Buffalo Trace.

big +1 on Elija Craig, reminds me that i havent had that in my cabinet in a while...

WL Weller 107 proof is only a little more than $20 in my area, tho the old bottling was better...
My vote also goes to Maker's. I think it is much more versatile if you are planning on making any cocktails.
Since we are limited to only 2 choices, I would pick the Maker's. However, when I drank, it was pretty much only Virginia Gentleman.
Picking up a bottle tomorrow. Not sure which one to get. Not a big bourbon drinker. Your thoughts?

MM is more easily accessible it seems to me. A real gateway drug to a bourbon acquistion disorder. So that is the one I would buy if I were not really into bourbons.

BT is really good, but a bit more exotic to my taste buds. Actually, given the choice I would probably almost always go with MM anyway, and I really do like bourbon. I think it is more versitile than BT. I agree, too, that BT is more harsh. Maybe be even relatively harsh as bourbons go. However, I like some harshness in a bourbon.
If it was Maker's 46 vs Buffalo Trace it would be a tough decision. Regular Makers doesn't even begin to compete. (The fact that it is currently a dead heat at 11-11 shows that tastes vary, but for the same price, BT wins for me)

The county-owned liquors stores of Montgomery County Maryland right now have 750 ml bottles of BT for $16.99, BT for $18.99, and MM 46 for $24.99. I think that it about the typical price spread at those stores for those items.

Also, I have a glass of BT in front of me. I thought we had some MM and am surprised we don't, except it tends to go quickly.

I can see why folks who like Virginia Gentlemen would like BT. They definitely have common notes and relatively high harshness, none of which is a flaw to me. I think I can remember the taste of MM very well. I still like it better than BT. A $2 price difference is pretty meaningless. I guess I am going to have to try the MM 46. This type of thing is why I do not hang around this forum more often! <g>

These are very good whiskeys (although I guess MM calls itself a "whisky"). The quality of bourbon at this price point compared to other world class whiskey/whisky is just extraordinary!
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