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Brushless creams.

Can anyone recommend any brushless shaving cream(s)? SWMBO has indicated she would like to try one. She's not looking for copious lather, but a protective and slick product.

I understand Cremo Creme is pretty good. Are the Kiss My Face line brushless?

Thanks for your suggestions.


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I did not like Cremo Cream mainly because it didn't lather at all. I didn't find the protection to be great but YMMV!

Kiss my Face is technically brushless but many use it with a brush to make lather.

If you want to go for the cheap option, plain oil (olive oil, veggie oil, etc) works to shave.
I regularly use Clinique shave cream with is both latherless and brushless.

Very good glide with the razor on it and also moisturises so well I don't need a balm afterwards. Bit expensive though and no idea how how much you would need to shave all the things the ladies like to shave.
I've been learning to shave with a shavette, and I'm having trouble finding a lather that would last long enough for me to complete a pass. Yesterday I tried Burt's Bees shave cream with Vito's pre shave and it was the smoothest shave that I have had to date with the shavette.
Can anyone recommend any brushless shaving cream(s)? SWMBO has indicated she would like to try one. She's not looking for copious lather, but a protective and slick product.

I understand Cremo Creme is pretty good. Are the Kiss My Face line brushless?

Thanks for your suggestions.

Sorry Teddyboy, Every brushless cream(many,by the way),has been close to worthless for me. When I'm in an extreme hurry to shave,I use a Gillette product called, "Satin Care" (7 oz can). My wife uses it to shave her legs. Actually,when you are really pressed for time,its quite good and effective(protective also) to use.Give it a try.

KMF works brushless. Works better whipped up to a lather with a nice badger, but works fine brushless, too. I have a big pump bottle but no longer use it, I take my brush everywhere now, even camping :)
My wife uses KMF because it works well brushless but, more importantly for her, it is easy to dispense.
While technically not a cream, because it's clear, Jack Black Beard Lube is probably the best I've tried - expensive in the tube, but better value in the larger pump bottle. I think it on par in effectiveness to Trumpers shave cream.
I thought the Zirh one was pretty good.
The Neutrogena one is okay, but I like the locally made Australian ones, Natio Shave Cream and Natio Shave Gel (not much difference between the two), much better than Neutrogena.
The Neutrogena one I think of as on par or somewhat better than say Arko Regular shave cream(which I'm not fond of), while the Natio ones are almost as slippery as the Trumpers shave cream.

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I've heard good things about Truefit and Hill Authentic No. 10, it's less expensive entry level product that is designed to work without a brush but can also be used with one too. From the the reviews I've checked out, the consensus is that although it is brushless it whips up the the type of thick slick protective lather that's expected from T&H, is not fussy about cream to water ratio, and it's effects are multiplied when when lathered with a brush.
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Any cream can be used brushless. The lathering creams we love using with a brush give a different type of lather when used brushless, but are generally still good performers.

Non-lathering creams are what people usually (but not always) mean when they ask about brushless creams.

The Aubrey Organics has been the best of the ones I have used. Burt's Bees was the worst.

What I have found in my limited experience with them is that the non-lathering creams depend even more on water/proportion than the lathering creams for good efficacy.
I started using Cremo before I had switched to a DE razor and there was a few times it made my hands too slick and I dropped my razor.
Many thanks for your thoughtful and helpful replies. SWMBO will enjoy wending her way through the alternatives.
Creamo Cream is a good Latherless Cream, decent moisturizing and scent. I favor Stephan Stay Smooth Conditioning Shave Cream, it contains Mineral oil, Cocoa Butter, Lanolin & Shea Butter and it's slick & moisturizing. A 16oz Tub is $5.25 @ Appleton Barber Supply, they do flat-rate shipping of $10.00. They have a large selection of Pinaud and Masters Aftershaves, Shampoos and Hair Tonics.
I'd go with the KMF for her.
If you are looking for one to try, Shiseido Men Shaving Cream is amazing.
I use it for special occasions. I can't get a closer shave with anything else.
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