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Brush Rotation & Method of Rotation.

How often do you rotate your brushes and what’s your method of rotation?

  • Once a Day.

  • Once a Week.

  • Once a Month.

  • Other.

  • Random Pick.

  • Next in the Queue.

  • Art is King.

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The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Dear Members:
Many of us have talked about having a brush rotation and eventhough I rotate my brushes after a week, I was wondering how often do you rotate
your brushes?

Also, if you have more than two brushes (I'm being a minimalist...I work with only two bruishes..Ever-ready F40 Horsehair & 200T Finest Badger...both are 20mm Knot & 50mm Loft), what's your method of your rotation (i.e., random pick or next brush 'in the queue')?

“Happiness is the [shaving] brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart”. Mort Walker
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I have 12~15 brushes and just use the one that suites my mood for the day. I'll give my "flavor of the week" brush a day or so to dry out between uses though.
Random prize for me. Semogue 620 probably gets the call most often lately, but there is no rhyme or reason on the days I pick another option. That is what I love about this forum. It turned the mundane, boring chore of shaving into a hobby that I enjoy waking up to. Whatever flavor brush and soap appeal to me that moment is what I get to use. Just wish I had more room in my den and wallet for more options.
I shave every other day and seldom use the same brush twice in a row but I've been known to use the same brush for a week or two straight. There's no rhyme or reason except for what I'm in the mood for, which is sometimes dictated by the cream I'm in the mood for (some brushes work better with some creams) or what my face and neck need (sometimes after a hot day of yard work I need a soft brush).
I shave every other day and seldom use the same brush twice in a row but I've been known to use the same brush for a week or two straight. There's no rhyme or reason except for what I'm in the mood for, which is sometimes dictated by the cream I'm in the mood for (some brushes work better with some creams) or what my face and neck need (sometimes after a hot day of yard work I need a soft brush).
Your post popped up right after I posted mine and you bring up a great point. My brush choice is octen dictated by my choice of soft goods. Specicfically, my Semogue boar brush is the only brush is use with MWF and my Thater brush with all it's glorious luxury naturally pairs with MdC.
I select a brush randomly right before my shave, very often while in the shower. My brushes are ordered (physically and in my mind) by softness. Sometimes, when I want to test a cream a soap, or when I decide to compare some properties of a few brushes, I go 'next in a queue' for a few days. On top of that, I prefer badgers, so every two weeks or so, I remember to use a boar or a horse.
I will sometimes pair the brush with the software but usually my selection is based on whim. I often set out the brush and software the night before.


I too sometimes match the brush to software, but try to put all my soaps in a big enough container that I can use any of my brushes. I love the joy of choosing a soap, brush, razor, and AS every morning. Sometimes the smell combinations don't work out, but then I just don't do them again.
Right now I'm just using two Semogues, the 620 and the 1520. I switch everyday to let the other one dry completely. It's been working great for me especially because they basically have the same knot. I'm expecting an SOC in the mail so it should be interesting adding it to the rotation, but it might need a week or so of just palm lathering to break in a bit.
I use a different brush every day, but my selection criteria is strictly random...whatever looks good on my way into the bathroom.
Chose "other". Brush choice changes depending on soap/cream choice. If I'm using a hard croap or a soap, I go with a fairly stiff brush that attacks soap like my Vie Long horsehair or a particularly stubby and overstuffed Rooney. If I'm using a soft cream then I'll go with my Muhle synthetic or one of my softer silvertip badgers. My best all-round brush is my 2012 B&B LE brush with the TGN knot - it works with anything I throw at it. I have about 3 favorites that I use more often than my other brushes, but I use them all at least once every couple of weeks. I will use the same brush 2 to 3 days in a row on occasion, but I don't think I have every gone over 3 days.
I currently have seven brushes at home and two travel brushes. I use one brush for about one week and then I take the next one that is in rotation.
i chose other because although it's not random, there really isn't much of a rotation. i have 10 brushes and i also keep a log of how often i use each shaving item. i have 4 brushes that i favor so i make sure to involve them in the rotation often. but the other 6 i tend to throw in there when i realize i haven't used them in a while.
I have 7 brushes and as much as I love my badgers I keep going back & forth between my Semogue 1800 and my Omega 11137 with my VDH Deluxe Boar thrown in for the occasional between shaves face lather. However today I got an Omega 10048 and it is AWESOME! It is going to throw a monkey wrench into my rotation for sure. However every so often I just get the urge to try my Badgers, as nice as they feel they just aren't the same as the Boars.
I have yet to receive the bunch of brushes on order, but once they all arrive, I will have 13-14 brushes in my collection by the end of September. My plan is to rotate them, so that I use a new brush for every next shave, so they all get into the action and don't build up mould and dust in the hairs.
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