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Brush Restoration vs a nOOb

Just received a package from my folks. Apparently they have been antiquing and picked up a nice shaving mirror that had a brush on it. The brush says, "Solid Set, N.Y. USA." Now for the question. I read the restoration thread but I don't know how to figure out the right knot size to buy. Hopefully it's moderately complicated, I would hate to feel like a duffus! Thanks in advance.
Just received a package from my folks. Apparently they have been antiquing and picked up a nice shaving mirror that had a brush on it. The brush says, "Solid Set, N.Y. USA." Now for the question. I read the restoration thread but I don't know how to figure out the right knot size to buy. Hopefully it's moderately complicated, I would hate to feel like a duffus! Thanks in advance.

When I restored my Rubberset brush I more or less compared it to the other brushes I had decided it would take a 21mm knot. In actuality though it could have taken a 20mm or even a 19mm. In the good spirit of being a true man and not admitting defeat I did a lot of extra shaving on the inside of the opening as well as the resin of the knot. In my opinion as well as a few others on the board here it came it rather nice. Good Luck!
I'm just supposed to eyeball it? I was kind of hoping for an answer with calipers and fancy words dealing with engineering. Guess I'll just go and have myself a looksee.
I'm just supposed to eyeball it? I was kind of hoping for an answer with calipers and fancy words dealing with engineering. Guess I'll just go and have myself a looksee.
I used calipers, and converted to metric.
You can also just place a ruler over the hole.

Word of advice though, it is better to have a knot too small than too big, the epoxy can make up any extra space.
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