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Brush comparison Whipped Dog Silvertip vs. High Mountain

First of all I would like to apologise for the long delay. A couple of you contacted me last year for this comparison, and it took much longer than anticipated. I am sorry, but sometimes life has other plans...

I also want to point out, that I am not an expert when it comes to brushes – especially badgers. Apart from these two brushes, I only had an Edwin Jagger Medium in best badger. However I have been wet shaving now for some years and I have used various boars and a horse brush. I can only point out my personal observations, but please bear in mind that YMMV.

Whipped Dog Silvertip (left) and High Mountain (right)

Both brushes have exactly the same Dimensions, but the knot is quiet different, as you can see in the pictures:

Knot: Diameter: 24mm, Loft: 48mm
Silvertip: Hybrid (more bulb)
High Mountain: Bulb
Handle: Acyrlic, Base diameter: 35mm, Height: 50mm
Cost: ~35$ from Larry at http://www.whippeddog.com/


As I shave every 2nd day, I need four passes and I also like to lather up at the end, while I clean my gear, so for me a brush has to hold at least 5 passes of lather. I only face lather, and my rotation rotaion include Mike's, Stirling, Otoko Organic and the Beach (both in summer) and Haslinger Schafmilch in winter.

Face Feeling:
The Silvertip (ST) is definitely a wonderfully soft brush – I cannot detect any scritch and it feels wonderfully luxurious on the face. The High Mountain (HM) on the other hand has a lot of scrub – almost as much as a boar brush, without any need of using pressure. This will certainly appeal to boar lovers, who want to try a badger, while the ST appeals to gentlemen who are looking for a luxurious face feel. Having said that, the ST definitely also provides some (light) exfoliation.

Although the bulb on the HM is more pronounced, both brushes are wonderfully focused and a joy to face lather, maybe the high mountain has a tad more focus.

Softness: ST > HM
Scrub: HM > ST
Focus: HM >= ST



Both brushes produce a wonderful yoghurt like lather. The ST certainly needs a bit more effort to produce the lather, however I feel the lather is also slightly denser. I think, the ST produces the lather more on the inside of the brush.

Whipped Dog Silvertip wtih Mike's Bay Rum

The same goes for the release: the ST releases every last bit of lather with ease, while the HM always has some lather left inside, when squeezed out at the end of the shave.

Lather quality: ST >= HM
Lathering time: HM > ST
Lather release: ST > HM

I think this point is covered already in the scrub and the lathering time.

Both knots can easily hold enough lather for my purposes, they can actually also hold 6 and more passes of lather.

Whipped Dog High Mountain with Stirling Bergamot & Lavender

I hope I could everybody an idea, how these two wonderful brushes perform. I find them for this price point both spectacular and can highly recommend them. As for nuances, the ST could be set to an ever lower loft (1-2mm), but I think it would loose a bit of the luxurious face feeling.

The HM on the other hand is at the lower loft limit – it took actually quiet some time for the brush to bloom and get to a pleasant stage. The first ~5-7 shaves were too scrubby for me. So it could be set 1-2mm higher, but then it will loose some of the scrub/backbone that in my opinion is the main characteristic of the brush.
Very nice review. I have the similar brushes sitting by my sink, and I think you hit the nail on the head. I have a ST and a HM, and I am trying to decide which one I like better. I also agree that it takes the HM a while to bloom and become pleasant to use.
I have my WD HM also at 48mm loft but I don't really experience scrub. Scrub to me comes from the bristles - like a boar - but my HM seems to deliver its backbone from density. To me it is more resistance to splay rather than scrub.

Claudel Xerxes

Staff member
Great review. I have a 24/47mm silvertip that I love. They're very effective brushes (especially for the price). I was heavily debating on the high mountain when I ordered it, but decided on the ST. It's nice to read a side-by-side comparison of the two.
Thank you all for your kind words gentlemen!

I have my WD HM also at 48mm loft but I don't really experience scrub. Scrub to me comes from the bristles - like a boar - but my HM seems to deliver its backbone from density. To me it is more resistance to splay rather than scrub.

That is a great point and I definitely have to explore this. I used today my Omega 49 (for the first time in 3+ months a boar in my rotation) - and I think for the first time ever I used it like it is supposed to be - i.e. no mashing against the face, but just with gentle pressure. My observations:
1. the boar is truly soft (but not as soft as the silvertip)
2. the High Mountain delivers more ex-foliation and has more backbone than the boar used gently
3. I got the most wonderful lather out of the boar to date (but still believe the silvertip produces superior lather)
Great review... i think this is the only infomation online that gives a direct apple to apple comparison on these 2 brushes.

I ended my agony and ordered the high mountain in the same specs. It was a hard choice as that silvertip looks great.
Thank you for the post! It's been driving me nuts looking for a comparison between these! No one else has even tried to compare and contrast these and I was driving myself crazy looking for a review.
Great review... i think this is the only infomation online that gives a direct apple to apple comparison on these 2 brushes.

I ended my agony and ordered the high mountain in the same specs. It was a hard choice as that silvertip looks great.
Thank you gentleman - glad I could help
Great review ! Thanks !

Thank you for the post! It's been driving me nuts looking for a comparison between these! No one else has even tried to compare and contrast these and I was driving myself crazy looking for a review.
So i got my 24mm\ 48mm HM in the mail, and im shocked at how short it is....its very hard to lather. Its like there isnt enough loft to hold and build a lather. huge favor.... would you be able to take a pic of this brush standing next to a pop can or something, so I know Im not crazy. Think i made a mistake in getting a loft this short. my van der hagen brush is super scritchy and floppy but it builds a good amount of lather.....
Ive got a few brushes from Larry and have also put a couple together myself using TGN knots, I cant say this enough, its best to when getting a brush done to have the handle drilled to about 20mm and to the correct diameter for your knot but do not have it installed. Once you get it use cork slices and play around with the loft size. Ive used brushes for weeks at different lofts before finally settling on the correct height for that particular brush. Nice brushes btw, I love Larrys Silver tip, especially that more blonde Silver Tip hair. Enjoy them guys.
My daily brush is a vintage Floris handle into which Larry installed a 22 x 50 silvertip knot a year ago. I bowl lather. It is, for me, perfection. Just the right combination of softness and backbone. I've looked at the HM, but for now, I'll happily stick with my ST. Nice comparison; helped me not spend $$$.
So i got my 24mm\ 48mm HM in the mail, and im shocked at how short it is....its very hard to lather. Its like there isnt enough loft to hold and build a lather. huge favor.... would you be able to take a pic of this brush standing next to a pop can or something, so I know Im not crazy. Think i made a mistake in getting a loft this short. my van der hagen brush is super scritchy and floppy but it builds a good amount of lather.....

I will try to take a picture for you in the next couple of days - having said that: your badger brush will look much smaller than your boar? Van der Hagen brush.

I also assume, that you use some force when you build lather with your other brush - else I don't see, why you need loft to build lather? Anyway, the HM will need ~5 test lathers for the knot to loosen a bit and bloom.

In any case: please don't use any pressure when you load your brush or build your lather - it is ALMOST like using your DE compared to a cart - no pressure. The badger brush will need a lot more product than the boar and it will also give you way more lather than the boar.

Soak the brush for ~1 min in warm (not hot) water, shake it out 2-3 times, load it without force, until you have a really nice thick paste on the brush, move to your bowl or face and start lathering - again no pressure, just use the tips, if nothing happens after 30 sec add a bit (teaspoon?) of water and repeat.

In the initial phase it might take you 5min to get to the point you want, but is important to take your time, get to know your brush and your soap...trust me the brush will reward you with copious amounts of fantastic lather - just look at my pictures ;)
Nice review, alfredus. I've been wanting a WD brush, but just haven't pulled the trigger yet. This review has helped me get dialed in a little closer. Thanks for taking the time to post this.
I will try to take a picture for you in the next couple of days - having said that: your badger brush will look much smaller than your boar? Van der Hagen brush.

I also assume, that you use some force when you build lather with your other brush - else I don't see, why you need loft to build lather? Anyway, the HM will need ~5 test lathers for the knot to loosen a bit and bloom.

In any case: please don't use any pressure when you load your brush or build your lather - it is ALMOST like using your DE compared to a cart - no pressure. The badger brush will need a lot more product than the boar and it will also give you way more lather than the boar.

Soak the brush for ~1 min in warm (not hot) water, shake it out 2-3 times, load it without force, until you have a really nice thick paste on the brush, move to your bowl or face and start lathering - again no pressure, just use the tips, if nothing happens after 30 sec add a bit (teaspoon?) of water and repeat.

In the initial phase it might take you 5min to get to the point you want, but is important to take your time, get to know your brush and your soap...trust me the brush will reward you with copious amounts of fantastic lather - just look at my pictures ;)

Yeah i have been messing up then. I have been pushing down on the WD brush when I load and lather. Hopefully I havent damaged the brush. My only other experience has been with the VDH brush (but the badger version that is made of needles), so I have never seen exactly how short 48mm is. All the brushes online look huge to me. Guess i have no sense of scale. Thanks for your replies. Going to do more lathers and adjust what I am doing and allow more time to load. FYI this thing is crazy soft. I cannot even imagine how a silvertip would be softer.
Ive got a few brushes from Larry and have also put a couple together myself using TGN knots, I cant say this enough, its best to when getting a brush done to have the handle drilled to about 20mm and to the correct diameter for your knot but do not have it installed. Once you get it use cork slices and play around with the loft size. Ive used brushes for weeks at different lofts before finally settling on the correct height for that particular brush. Nice brushes btw, I love Larrys Silver tip, especially that more blonde Silver Tip hair. Enjoy them guys.
Hmm, Really good idea. I would hate to have a brush made and then find out I dont like it. Makes a lot more sense to just have the handle and knot shipped to you not mated together and then you could experiment with different heights until you get the right one that you like. Sure would save a lot of money doing it way versus just having to keep buying them at different heights.
I ordered a HM set in a resin handle at a 52mm loft. My only other brush is an omega 10066 which is a great brush but. I got it because I thought I would face lather but I found out I much prefer bowl lathering. I have managed with the omega using it to bowl lather and decided to purchase a badger because I realize it will be much easier to lather. I was going to go with a Frank shaving brush until I started learning about Larry's brushes. I was going to purchase the silver tip but he is currently out so I got the HM but Larry told me it would work well since I only lather using hard soaps so it'll load easier. I think it'll be a great leap over my boar brush since I use it to bowl lather. I'm eager for it to arrive. I seriously doubt I could've bought a better brush for $35 shipped. Now I gotta explain to my wife why my brush is a different color. :lol:
Nice review, alfredus. I've been wanting a WD brush, but just haven't pulled the trigger yet. This review has helped me get dialed in a little closer. Thanks for taking the time to post this.
Great to hear - thank you!

Yeah i have been messing up then. I have been pushing down on the WD brush when I load and lather. Hopefully I havent damaged the brush. My only other experience has been with the VDH brush (but the badger version that is made of needles), so I have never seen exactly how short 48mm is. All the brushes online look huge to me. Guess i have no sense of scale. Thanks for your replies. Going to do more lathers and adjust what I am doing and allow more time to load. FYI this thing is crazy soft. I cannot even imagine how a silvertip would be softer.

Don't worry too much about the VDH :lol:
WOW - another great example for YMMV - the silvertip is indeed much softer!

I ordered a HM set in a resin handle at a 52mm loft. My only other brush is an omega 10066 which is a great brush but. I got it because I thought I would face lather but I found out I much prefer bowl lathering. I have managed with the omega using it to bowl lather and decided to purchase a badger because I realize it will be much easier to lather. I was going to go with a Frank shaving brush until I started learning about Larry's brushes. I was going to purchase the silver tip but he is currently out so I got the HM but Larry told me it would work well since I only lather using hard soaps so it'll load easier. I think it'll be a great leap over my boar brush since I use it to bowl lather. I'm eager for it to arrive. I seriously doubt I could've bought a better brush for $35 shipped. Now I gotta explain to my wife why my brush is a different color. :lol:

Glad I could help :thumbup:
I ordered a HM set in a resin handle at a 52mm loft. My only other brush is an omega 10066 which is a great brush but. I got it because I thought I would face lather but I found out I much prefer bowl lathering. I have managed with the omega using it to bowl lather and decided to purchase a badger because I realize it will be much easier to lather. I was going to go with a Frank shaving brush until I started learning about Larry's brushes. I was going to purchase the silver tip but he is currently out so I got the HM but Larry told me it would work well since I only lather using hard soaps so it'll load easier. I think it'll be a great leap over my boar brush since I use it to bowl lather. I'm eager for it to arrive. I seriously doubt I could've bought a better brush for $35 shipped. Now I gotta explain to my wife why my brush is a different color. :lol:

I have a WD HM set in a custom handle at 52mm. It still has great backbone and is a lather machine. It has worked well for face lathering both hard soaps and creams. I find the HM more similar to a 2 band finest than a silvertip.

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