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Brotherhood of the Shaven Head ?

There are many "Brotherhoods" here on B&B. Is there a B.O.S.H. Brotherhood of the Shaven Heads? I'm referring to DE shaven heads, of course.

If not, there should be. Show me some pics of those domes and let me know your head shaving routine. What DE razor works for you? Any DE razors that don't work for you?

Any DE tips and tricks for head shaving?
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Just finished my nightly head have.

Shower. Pre shave Proraso Cream. Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap (Head Lather). Gillette Fatboy Executive opened up to 9 with a Derby blade. Warm rinse. Alum Block. Cold rinse. Splash of Floid Blue. Done.

What's your routine?

I have been shaving my head for 16 years now but just recently with a DE razor. I am using kiss my face and a super adjustable razor set on 7 with a dorco blade.

Its taking some getting used to but I am no longer getting weepers.
I haven't yet shaved my own head; I've been thinking about it. I was also thinking I might just put an old Mach3 to use for this... Is that blasphemy? I have a friend who is doing it with a straight razor. I'm not nearly skilled enough for that. I love DE razors, but I don't know where to jump in with shaving my head.
Most of the time I use either a Feather DX or a Cobra Classic but when I use a DE it's the 39C slant. (have used many different ones in the past: aristocrats, presidents, Executive, Red tip, rocket, Fatboy, Futur, etc... all of these worked ok)
I haven't yet shaved my own head; I've been thinking about it. I was also thinking I might just put an old Mach3 to use for this... Is that blasphemy? I have a friend who is doing it with a straight razor. I'm not nearly skilled enough for that. I love DE razors, but I don't know where to jump in with shaving my head.

I'd say jump in wherever you are most comfortable.

For me, once I started using a DE on my face it just made sense to use it on my head. I always use a fresh blade on my head each day, so DE is far more economical.

I started with a Gillette SS Red Tip with a forgiving Derby Blade. I mix things up from time to time, but mostly now I use a Fatboy opened all the way up to 9.
I'm not a dome shaver, but I just wanted to comment that since this isn't really a DE specific topic it might be better placed (and read) over in the General Shaving Discussion area.
Step over to the shiny side! :biggrin1:


I use either a 1955 Heirloom Flare Tip Super Speed or Merkur 1904 41c open comb and Gillette Platinums with Trader Joe's Shave cream - great results!

I started with an M3 a few years ago - and still use it if I have less than 10 minutes to shave.
I'm losing the male pattern baldness battle, so I might be joining this brotherhood at some point. I might try something like a Trac II or Atra the first time I do it. Seems like the angle might be a little difficult to master using a DE on the old melon.
I'm losing the male pattern baldness battle, so I might be joining this brotherhood at some point. I might try something like a Trac II or Atra the first time I do it. Seems like the angle might be a little difficult to master using a DE on the old melon.

Me too. hopefully I have another couple of years before I have to go that far. Getting thin tho. :(
I'm not a dome shaver, but I just wanted to comment that since this isn't really a DE specific topic it might be better placed (and read) over in the General Shaving Discussion area.

James: the thread relates to use of a DE to shave ones head. If that isn't enough to qualify it for this category, I apologize. I do not know how to delete or move the thread. If you or one of the moderators would like to delete it or move it I would appreciate it.

If this is too off topic for DE, I apologize.

Ah ok...yeah if you're wanting it DE focused it certainly belongs here. And yep, if it's too off topic, I'm sure the mods will speak up and take any action. I'm just a regular peon here. Don't mind me :).

James: the thread relates to use of a DE to shave ones head. If that isn't enough to qualify it for this category, I apologize. I do not know how to delete or move the thread. If you or one of the moderators would like to delete it or move it I would appreciate it.

If this is too off topic for DE, I apologize.

I'd say jump in wherever you are most comfortable.

For me, once I started using a DE on my face it just made sense to use it on my head. I always use a fresh blade on my head each day, so DE is far more economical.

I started with a Gillette SS Red Tip with a forgiving Derby Blade. I mix things up from time to time, but mostly now I use a Fatboy opened all the way up to 9.

Thank you -- yeah, that makes sense. A flare-tip SS is mild enough that I'm not worried, now that I think about it. Cheap is good -- new blade is good. I've been using more aggressive razors for face shaving, but will be happy to give some mild razors a bit of work to do!
Thank you -- yeah, that makes sense. A flare-tip SS is mild enough that I'm not worried, now that I think about it. Cheap is good -- new blade is good. I've been using more aggressive razors for face shaving, but will be happy to give some mild razors a bit of work to do!

My experience has been that I can use a much more aggressive setting on my head than I can on my face. (Fatboy Exec opened all the way up to 9). BUT, I use a less aggressive blade on my head than I can on my face. I guess it's strange, but it works for me. YMMV.
Wait... you can use a more aggressive blade on your head, but you don't. Is that right?
I know someone who shaves his head with a straight, now. There's a committed gentleman. But .... shaving my own head is too new to me at this point to be anything but very conservative.
I'm a head shaver. My go-to is a tech with wilkinson swords, or red flair tip SS with the same blade. I also use a Gem Clog Pruf, or if I'm feeling up to it, a straight. I like variety in my dome polishing tools.
Wait... you can use a more aggressive blade on your head, but you don't. Is that right?
I know someone who shaves his head with a straight, now. There's a committed gentleman. But .... shaving my own head is too new to me at this point to be anything but very conservative.

I know it sounds strange. Gillette Fatboy Executive wide open with a Derby seems to be the most comfortable, nick free shave for my head. (At least with my technique.) Using the same razor with a feather gives me a slightly closer shave, but I get nicks, usually 3-4. I shave my dome daily, so the "closeness" of the Derby is good enough and no nicks means no accidental blood on my dress shirts so it works for me.

I have not yet mastered the straight on my face, so I am quite a ways from trying it out on my head.

The DE is perfect for my misshapen dome!
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