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Brother handed me a couple of Straight Razors

I am just getting my feet wet, or should I say face wet, with double edged razors, over the last month. An Edwin Jagger, and a couple of gentleman sent to me some vintage razors that I am soooo stoked about. The archival nature of the act of giving (which I will do meaning pay it forward when I have accrued more than just ideas... ) as well as just getting into this shaving experience that I kick myself for not 'discovering' 25 years ago.

Anywayz... my brother was psyched to see me psyched so he handed me a couple of straight razors. Both 25+ years or older. One is a Chinese no-name that is obviously forgettable and a second; an Eskilstuna #24. I have next to zero experience with straight razors but it is obvious from the start that this Swedish razor is nice.

My question is... can anyone comment on this Eskilstuna #24 that would be at least 25 years old, that appears to be in excellent condition. I am going to have it honed and made to shave ready professionally. But methinks from just the feel and appearance of this that it is a not half bad razor???
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