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British Aluminium ( Paperclip/LD ) Rocket

Long Ramble warning ahead !!! :001_smile

I've mentioned in other threads where local finds to me are more emotive than Ebay/BST purchases and there's always a little story behind each one so here's me latest one.

Had an appointment with a client and there's a little shop I regularly visit on the way ( OK, it's not really on the way it's about 10 minutes further out but I've gotta get my business expense mileage up somehow...don't I ?? :001_smile )

Stop in and in their display cabinet is a Rocket HD. Damn it, I've already go three HDs. Must be time for another Fidjit Razor Rescue Mission ( purchase and sell at cost + postage on GSL ).

Ask to have a look at it and immediately notice something ....it's WAY lighter than my HDs. Yep, it's an Aluminium ( Aluminum for you US centrics :tongue_sm )/ LD/Paperclip Rocket :thumbup1:

So they tagged it using a cable tie around the TTO knob gap with a label attach. I ask to see if it works fine, the guy takes it back off me and starts twisting the knob. "The cable ties stopping it " I say, calmly having visions of him denting the aluminium or ruining the opening mechanism as he tries to force it open. He tries several times while I keep saying "The cable ties stopping it " ( I suspect each time I said it my voice might have got louder and higher :tongue_sm )

Finally he works it out and wanders off...I follow him. He gets out a Stanley knife to cut off the tie. Again I have visions of him slipping and scoring the soft aluminium. " Geez wish we had a sharp blade here somewhere" he says. He puts it down....Phew ! I quickly grab it up and carefully cut the cable tie with my Leatherman scissors.....:001_smile

He's a nice bloke and while he's doing all this he starts tell me about how he uses a DE ( a Tech ) himself and that it gives him a great shave and that blades are cheap etc..etc... He's got a huge stash of blades as well " How many ya got ? " I ask, "Oh about 20 !" . I don't tell him I've probably got about 400 blades stashed away :tongue_sm

/ramble over

Interesting razor, the handle, TTO knob are aluminium and the doors, endcaps and post are normal.

Dunno how it'll shave. The thing I like about my Rocket HDs ( one of my favourites shavewise ) is the weight of it ( 34g v 71g )

If you're still reading by now Thanks for looking :biggrin1:

Oh and BTW what's the best way to clean aluminium ???



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Oh and BTW what's the best way to clean aluminium ???

If it's not that dirty you can use dishwashing liquid and a brush.

Dirtier, toothpaste and a brush.

Really dirty, you can use Borax, warm water and a brush.

Encrusted, you can use a spray on oven cleaner. Leave 10 minutes and wipe off under running water with a brush or plastic scouring sponge.

If you have what appear to be stains in the aluminum itself, you can boil it for 10 minutes in a solution of 1 tablespoon of white distilled vinegar to 1 litre of water.

Aluminum never stays really shiny because it oxidizes on contact with air and dulls. If you want to shine it you can use an aluminum brightener from an automotive shop.
A home method is to boil it for 10 minutes with some apple peel. I've never tried this but my wife says it works.
If it's not that dirty you can use dishwashing liquid and a brush.

Dirtier, toothpaste and a brush.

Really dirty, you can use Borax, warm water and a brush.

Encrusted, you can use a spray on oven cleaner. Leave 10 minutes and wipe off under running water with a brush or plastic scouring sponge.

If you have what appear to be stains in the aluminum itself, you can boil it for 10 minutes in a solution of 1 tablespoon of white distilled vinegar to 1 litre of water.

Aluminum never stays really shiny because it oxidizes on contact with air and dulls. If you want to shine it you can use an aluminum brightener from an automotive shop.
A home method is to boil it for 10 minutes with some apple peel. I've never tried this but my wife says it works.

Thanks for that Peter . Just wasn't sure if there was anything special I needed to do with Aluminium. Sound like me normal procedure of toothbrush and paste will get another workout tonight !!!.

You're welcome. And by the way, great score. I love Rockets.

How you can come up with better deals in Tasmania than I can get in Toronto is beyond me and a testament to your ingenuity. :thumbup:
You're welcome. And by the way, great score. I love Rockets.

As you'll know I love me Rockets and Brit Aristocrats as well. The problem is the reason I like them is because of their heft and build quality. It'll be interesting to see how this one shaves.

How you can come up with better deals in Tasmania than I can get in Toronto is beyond me and a testament to your ingenuity. :thumbup:

Just persistent and lucky and........obsessed and ..........lucky.......and ??? :biggrin1:

( The sad thing is I don't really want any more razors, I'm happy with my little collection, but everytime I come across one I just HAVE to buy it. It just looks at me with those big puppydog silos and says " Buy me...buy me....please take me home....".

Some of the more common ones I don't like I'm happy to pass on at cost + postage to GSL members, but I keep finding "nicer" ones and even if I buy with the intention of passing on I just can't do it !!!! :biggrin1:)
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Believe it or not, that’s not even the razor dubbed “the paperclip”. I have that exact same style of razor (aluminum handle and base plate with plated doors and end caps), albeit in the form of a #58 that weighs in at a healthy 34g, but then I’ve also got a gold anodized all aluminum model that checks in at a mere 30g. This, I’m relatively certain, is the “paperclip”.

They’re kind of weird to shave with being so light since they force you away from the “no pressure” technique that you would normally use with a heavier razor. I always thought it strange that Gillette made both it’s heaviest and lightest razors for the British market.


Does that 57g model consist of an aluminum handle with a plated brass head?

Yes. No 1 without rings on the knob is a HD for the French market (Monobloc Set No55), No 2 is a Rocket HD, No 3 is a gold HD, No 4 has the aluminum handle and nickel plated head, No 5 is all aluminum, only the doors are nickel plated and No 6 is full aluminum made. But I don´t know, which was "Paperclip" called
I called this one a "paperclip" as per MTGraylings Rocket post on TSD.

My issue is the thing I loves about me Rockets and Brit Aristocrats is the finish and the heft of them.

This one has neither :laugh:
Maybe I was too lazy to catch the details (sorry) but does anybody know the origin of the "paperclip" moniker? Does Krumholz get modern credit?
I know 6 types of the Rocket (HD), but I don´t know what they are called:



There's a gold 71g HD?????

That means I'm not finished....

Oh, hell. I'm one short.

Incidentally - I really enjoy shaving with the aluminum versions - I have an aluminum #58, #66, and HDs (aluminum, aluminum-handle, and gold anodized) - I get as good (if not better) shaves with these as I do with the heavier versions.

I understand there is an aluminum Rocket (per MT Grayling). I need one of those, too!
Incidentally - I really enjoy shaving with the aluminum versions - I have an aluminum #58, #66, and HDs (aluminum, aluminum-handle, and gold anodized) - I get as good (if not better) shaves with these as I do with the heavier versions.

Then don't forget this one. Not a Rocket, but it does have the aluminum handle and base plate.

What is kind of amazing about the "paper clip" Rocket, is that despite the super light weight, the precision of the mechanism appears to be just as good as that of its heavier sieblings. Something you wouldn't quite expect, I suppose :confused1
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