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British #15 open comb compared to Deluxe

I know this is subjective to a mass amount of different opinions but I figure those of you with lots of DE experience can shed some insight. If you have shaved with both of these....I just want a little comparision of smoothness...heft...which one you liked better etc: for the record I love my Deluxe razor heads but i'm wanting to venture toward another type of open comb (the aristocrat)
i had both, 1st is the deluxe, has a good feel and depending on the weight(big boy/fellow are heavy) its a easy going razor on the skin, not too mild or too agressive, the 15 is more on mild side lighter than the open deluxe head razor
Thanks alex.....I wanted to get a feel for what a #15 would be like in comparison and you described it perfectly. Ive also been looking for a big fellow with the deluxe head but those don't seem to come by to often
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