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Breaking In a New Pipe

How does on break in a new pipe? Figured there would be a sticky or that search would turn up something; but no luck (or I messed up). All I remember from many years ago is that honey was somehow involved. Thanks for advice!
As a new pipe smoker I'd like to know more about this too. I was told to start by smokibg a couple bowls filled only 1/4 of the way, then a few at 1/2 and then a few at 3/4, then full bowls. I was told this helps the cake start to forrm easily and evenly. Also I was told at first it is reall important to smoke all of the tobacco in the bowl to the bottom so ot forms cake there too. Anyway this is all second hand from a newbie so hopefully others with more experience will pipe up, so to speak.
On my phone, but the simple answer is dont over think it. You can't do anything wrong except smoke it too hot right off the bat and burn a hole in it. Honey is supposed to help cake form easier I think, but Ive never tried it.
How does one not smoke it too hot, Edski? Guessing drawing too hard, fast and long would make it hot, but really don't know.
It is usually recommended for beginning smokers to only fill the bowl no more than half full. This is to ensure you develop cake in the bottom of the bowl. Most new pipe smokers under estimate the length of time smoking an entire bowl can take, and therefore build cake on the top half of the bowl but not the bottom. Honey can be used to get a quick cake to form, as well as smoking the sweeter aromatic blends. I used to use Carter Hall to break in my new pipes, now I prefer Butternut Burley or Autumn Evening. 7-12 bowls should get a nice cake going. If you like the idea of tinkering, take a small amount of honey on your finger and lightly coat the inside of the bowl, as if you were greasing a pan. After smoking slowly all the way to the bottom, do not dump the ash. Put your thumb over the top of the bowl and shake the ash around to coat the pipe, then discard the remaining ash. Let it sit for 24 hours before smoking again. The honey should only be applied once as a starter, if you keep applying it you will wind up with a brittle cake and it can start harboring some off tasting flavors. The easiest answer to building cake was as oc_in_fw mentioned, just start smoking it.
Use whatever blend you enjoy (or, if a new smoker, think you will enjoy) to fill the pipe and smoke it carefully. Puffing too fast or two hard, or smoking in high winds, can cause it to get too hot and damage the pipe. Barring these things, you aren't going to mess up the pipe. I don't even bother with the half-bowl thing anymore unless it's a pretty big pipe.

A lot of people talk about using certain blends or techniques to cake a pipe faster, but this isn't necessary. Just smoke what you like. It will work.

It may be faster to do it one way or another, but faster doesn't have to mean better. I would personally advise against getting too fancy or adding anything to the pipe other than tobacco. And if the suggested blends for caking a pipe aren't something you'd think you will enjoy...smoke something else. Any tobacco WILL work.
What ido isi rub athin coat of pure honey on the inside of the bowl then, I have some fine powered burley and shake it up in the wet honey bowl letit set for a day or so then. Smoke a bowlI
I just fill it up and smoke it as normal. I do however not to take the pipe outside for about the first 20-30 smokes until a cake develops.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
Never smoke a new pipe during a full moon. There's just no telling what might happen.
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