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Brazilian Gillette

Looks like you won a Mono Tech. Congrats on the new razor.


http://www.mr-razor.com/Rasierer/One-Piece solid guard bar/1973 (T3) Super-Speed Brazil.JPG

Image by Mr. Razor.
$1973 (T3) Super-Speed Brazil.jpg
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I'm still a little bit confused though, is it a monotech or aristocrat. I don't think Mr Razor have the wrong case for his 1956 brazilian made razor. That case says Aristocrat but pamplet says monotech. Confusing! :)
I think the Mr. Razor set is gold plated. Perhaps gold plating = Aristocrat and nickel plating = Monotech and they used the same instruction sheet for both.
Maybe the Monotech may have been just the nickle plated version and the gold version the Aristocrat. I have a cased Monotech SS and mine has the gold finish with monotech instructions. HERE might be helpful link.
Looks like a C3 date code which would make it a 1957 model.

Strange that you mention i was from a 1950's As sometime in 2011 i got my hands on one with the Razor case and Blade case from Brazil as well, But someone shot it down as saying it could of been from 1953 or 1982 Which is also a C Date Code as well.

So here were my thoughts on this and still haven't changed, If these were made in the 1950's then there is no way Gillette would of kept the Same Model for Almost 30+Years from 1950's up to 1982, I Really can't see a Razor Running for Production that long. If it is it has to be the Longest Ever Run Production of Any Razor Ever "Mono Tech". and we would of seen these more then Regular 1940's or Flair Style Super Speeds we see today. These Mono Techs aren't to Common and are More Rare then a Double Ring, Fat boy, Slim, or Super Speeds from Any Error. And for this Reason i have to stick buy my Gun's "Water Pistols" and Say there are from the 1950's ?

Then again they could all be from the 1980's and Production were only for a few years and this is why we see a short and i mean Very Short Supply of them? I thought of that also. But i did Speak to a Brazilian Wet Shaver and he told me his Grand Father had a Brazilian Mono Tech, This Wet shaver was at or about my age and around the 1950's His Grand Father was in his 30's if i am not mistaken. So it made sense that these were from that error 1950's ?
Nice one Larzone, Great find. These Brazilian Super Speeds are Well Made and if i am not Mistaken they are Heavier than all other Super Speeds and Feel more Solid. I am Really Surprised you got it so Cheap, Guess a lot of Bidders/Collectors Fell Asleep on this one or just missed it all Together, Good for you :eek:) Enjoy and Please come back and let us know how it shaves and if i you can compare its Characteristics Including shaving, Please do so. Thanks for sharing. :thumbup1:
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