so i've never used a single blade. what can i expect? does anyone have any experience using this particular razor? also, where can i find some good single blades? thanks.
so i've never used a single blade. what can i expect? does anyone have any experience using this particular razor? also, where can i find some good single blades? thanks.
If you mean this exact one, yes, I do have experience with that particular razor!!Glad to know that it is going to a B&B home . . . I hope you enjoy many great shaves from it!
I used a Gem Stainless blade (from Walgreens) when I tested the razor, since that is what I have on hand at the moment. In fact, I'm trying to use them up and go back to Treet blades from Rite-Aid, which I prefer over the Gems. Of course, Your Mileage May Vary!
A recent thread talks about various SE blades. Just don't use paint scraper blades . . .
Let me know how you like your "new" razor!
A little more to your original question . . .
SE razors require a different angle than DE razors - a little flatter to the face. Also, the "no pressure" concept is really important. When your angle is right you will literally hear each whisker being sliced by the blade.
Short, light strokes are also preferred, especially when going XTG or ATG. I also find that advanced techniques like buffing or j-hooking work better with SE razors.
Mantic59 has some great videos on You Tube which demonstrate SE razors in action.
Check out that other blade thread if you haven't done so already - different people prefer different blades for different reasons . . . but my vote is for the plain Treet carbon steel blades as being the smoothest on my face.
i can tell it's gonna get really close when the conditions are right.
got it today and used it tonight w/ gem's blades i bought @ walgreen's. i can tell i will like it a lot. i prob had 4-5 days of growth, tho. shouldve thought about that first. haha. considering the condition of my face, the razor got pretty close. however, i nicked the crap out of my neck. i'll probably give it another go friday when i dont have so much growth. i can tell it's gonna get really close when the conditions are right. thanks again.