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Bought a pipe

Yes, I bought a pipe this week, a Missouri Meerschaum corn cob. The bent one in this picture:


Here's the website for the pipe manufacturer:


And I bought some Sir Walter Raleigh regular pipe tobacco. I have had great success both packing, lighting, and smoking this pipe. The tobacco seems decent as well, though I know some hold it in disdain for being a "drug store blend", but it's what my dad and uncle both used to smoke.

I got the pipe for $4.99 (the site above indicates a price of $6.19) and the tobacco for about $2.50 for a pouch. This was at a local smokers' store. According to the fellow working there, there aren't too many pipe smokers around here, and he really didn't know much about it. So, no help from him. But I read about packing the pipe, and did as was described, and I had no problem at all getting down to smoking.

I do think that maybe I've smoked too fast, because a couple of times my bowl got almost too hot to hold. So, I put it down a while. I have smoked three "bowls" over the past three days, but none all the way from top to bottom. Just didn't have enough time. I formerly smoked cigarettes, for a year or two, but maybe only a half to a full pack a day. I also used Copenhagen snuff for a looong time, but quit it all about six and a half years ago. Partly this was because of the cost, both cigarettes and the smokeless was way too expensive. The smoking I quit and went to smokeless because I was coughing like a seal.

The pipe smoking intrigued me, and I had hesitated because I didn't want to wind up addicted to nicotine again. But, I'm thinking now that maybe pipe smoking doesn't really deliver nicotine the way that cigarettes or smokeless tobacco does. Anyway, just recording my experience. I don't know if I'll continue this, partly because my wife hates smoking (she doesn't know -- so don't tell her! :001_smile), but it does seem relaxing.


I'm a pipe smoker and I can tell you that pipe smoking does deliver nicotine. If you use a filter, the nicotine can be reduced by 40-70% based on research I've read, this might just make you smoke more often though.

I like corn cob pipes, but I find the plastered version get too hot, especially if puffed hard. When I smoke a cob it's only ever a natural cob; the price is the same.

Another good "drug store blend" is Carter Hall. It's a Burley blend with a touch of bright VA leaf.

My favorite tobacco comes from a company called McClelland; very high quality aged leaf that is processed beautifully.

Make sure you make a conscious effort to sip slowly and not puff aggressively or you will overheat the tobacco and the pipe and lesson the enjoyment.

good luck.:thumbup1:
As RazoRock has indicated, pipe smoking can and will deliver a nictoine hit. If you are concerned about and are prone to nicotine addiction, I would recommend not taking up pipe smoking unless you are prepared to take that risk. However, you won't find it as easy to smoke as much with a pipe as cigarettes, so take that into consideration if you plan to continue.

If you are aggressive with your smoknig, your pipe can heat up and eventually crack or burn through. My rule of thumb is that if I cannot gently hold the pipe against my face or my lips without discomfort, it's too hot (e.g. feels like it's going to burn) and I need to back off. Obviously, don't place the pipe against your skin if you feel it's far too hot and if you do so, make it a momentary contact. Always exercise proper judgment.
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Just to clarify my initial post. I wasn't under any illusion that pipe smoking delivers NO nicotine. I'm a toxicologist, and I know all about nicotine. My language was inartful. I should have said that pipe smoking does not deliver nicotine as efficiently as cigarettes or smokeless tobacco.

I already know, from my prior experience, that I am feeling some of the nicotine "hit". It's not pronounced, and so far, I haven't felt any physical cravings returning. However, I am being cautious, because I know how difficult nicotine can be to quit. As far as I'm concerned, anyone can become addicted to nicotine, even if it is a mild addiction.

This may be a one week experiment for me. I don't have time during my work day to sit around a smoke a pipe for an hour, and in the evenings or on the weekends at home SWMBO would not allow such an activity. It may be something reserved for when I'm on a business trip or out with my impromptu men's group.
Now that you clarified and provided some context, we can offer better advice. Personally, in all the years I've been smoking a pipe, I've never felt a craving for nictone. I didn't smoke for a few weeks over summer this year and usually for 2 to 3 months ever winter, I don't smoke as well as its too cold outside. I've never felt the need or a craving I've had to pick up the briar and smoke. If you plan to be a casual user, I don't think you'll have anything to be concerned about.


Although I was never a cigarette smoker. I can easily smoke a pipe once a day for a month or two and then go 2-3 weeks without smoking at all, and experience no issues or nicotine withdrawal.

I would guess that not-inhaling (ala Clinton:biggrin1:) reduces nicotine delivery but I've also seem regular smokers pick-up an Opus X cigar, smoke a quarter of it without inhaling and then "hit-the-deck".

The fact that pipe smoking requires at least a good 20-30 minutes reduces the opportunities in a day you can smoke, especially if you work for a living and have family commitments.

For me, pipe smoking and collecting brings me tremendous joy.
As an ex-smoker I can relate to this. I used to smoke a pack a day for many years and I finally quit. I found that I can not smoke cigarrettes ever again. If I do I will be back to a pack a day in a week.
However, with a pipe or a cigar I can enjoy them and not have to have another. I don't seem to get the same craving that I used to get with Cigs.

I'm glad you have found a pipe and tobacco that you like and I think corn cobs pipes are neat. I have been using a 6" clay tavern pipe and I find that it actually smokes better than my 4 dot briar pipe.
MM corn cobs are good smokers. Ive been smoking a pipe for about 9 years and never have felt the need for the nicotine. Ive gone a month or two without smoking a pipe just to make sure. There are some brands of tobacco that are hard nicotine hitters out there. Not a huge fan of SWR, but I do like Carter Hall, as that has already been mentioned. You may be puffing too hard because of improper packing. It does take a little while to get that part right. Enjoy your pipe.
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