Yes, I bought a pipe this week, a Missouri Meerschaum corn cob. The bent one in this picture:
Here's the website for the pipe manufacturer:
And I bought some Sir Walter Raleigh regular pipe tobacco. I have had great success both packing, lighting, and smoking this pipe. The tobacco seems decent as well, though I know some hold it in disdain for being a "drug store blend", but it's what my dad and uncle both used to smoke.
I got the pipe for $4.99 (the site above indicates a price of $6.19) and the tobacco for about $2.50 for a pouch. This was at a local smokers' store. According to the fellow working there, there aren't too many pipe smokers around here, and he really didn't know much about it. So, no help from him. But I read about packing the pipe, and did as was described, and I had no problem at all getting down to smoking.
I do think that maybe I've smoked too fast, because a couple of times my bowl got almost too hot to hold. So, I put it down a while. I have smoked three "bowls" over the past three days, but none all the way from top to bottom. Just didn't have enough time. I formerly smoked cigarettes, for a year or two, but maybe only a half to a full pack a day. I also used Copenhagen snuff for a looong time, but quit it all about six and a half years ago. Partly this was because of the cost, both cigarettes and the smokeless was way too expensive. The smoking I quit and went to smokeless because I was coughing like a seal.
The pipe smoking intrigued me, and I had hesitated because I didn't want to wind up addicted to nicotine again. But, I'm thinking now that maybe pipe smoking doesn't really deliver nicotine the way that cigarettes or smokeless tobacco does. Anyway, just recording my experience. I don't know if I'll continue this, partly because my wife hates smoking (she doesn't know -- so don't tell her!
), but it does seem relaxing.

Here's the website for the pipe manufacturer:
And I bought some Sir Walter Raleigh regular pipe tobacco. I have had great success both packing, lighting, and smoking this pipe. The tobacco seems decent as well, though I know some hold it in disdain for being a "drug store blend", but it's what my dad and uncle both used to smoke.
I got the pipe for $4.99 (the site above indicates a price of $6.19) and the tobacco for about $2.50 for a pouch. This was at a local smokers' store. According to the fellow working there, there aren't too many pipe smokers around here, and he really didn't know much about it. So, no help from him. But I read about packing the pipe, and did as was described, and I had no problem at all getting down to smoking.
I do think that maybe I've smoked too fast, because a couple of times my bowl got almost too hot to hold. So, I put it down a while. I have smoked three "bowls" over the past three days, but none all the way from top to bottom. Just didn't have enough time. I formerly smoked cigarettes, for a year or two, but maybe only a half to a full pack a day. I also used Copenhagen snuff for a looong time, but quit it all about six and a half years ago. Partly this was because of the cost, both cigarettes and the smokeless was way too expensive. The smoking I quit and went to smokeless because I was coughing like a seal.
The pipe smoking intrigued me, and I had hesitated because I didn't want to wind up addicted to nicotine again. But, I'm thinking now that maybe pipe smoking doesn't really deliver nicotine the way that cigarettes or smokeless tobacco does. Anyway, just recording my experience. I don't know if I'll continue this, partly because my wife hates smoking (she doesn't know -- so don't tell her!