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Bought a butter knife... TIme for some OJT hone training

ON my latest antique run I picked up a really nice Red Point and another blade. The other blade was in excellent condition no nicks at all. Got it home slapped it across the hone a few times and tested the blade on my arm. Lets just say this thing wouldn't shave water off a popscicle. This is the first time I've bought a training razor (fifteen years too late)...oh well live and learn. Time to try my hand at honing from a blank. I am not worried about ruining the blade...it was only fifteen bucks. Any tips on how to put a shaving edge on a trainer?

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You slapped it across "the hone". Well, what grit was the hone? Perhaps a slap wasn't quite enough. May need to set a bevel and move up from there. Start at a lower grit and work your way up.
You slapped it across "the hone". Well, what grit was the hone? Perhaps a slap wasn't quite enough. May need to set a bevel and move up from there. Start at a lower grit and work your way up.

No if this was anything other than a trainer or a blank I would expect the blade to remove a few hairs at least. I got nothing. Honing a blade with a set edge is no problem for me. But setting the edge myself is new territory
So no tips then. OK, like I said live and learn. So I started with a butter knife and broke out my hard stone and lapping compound too take the metal down. A bit of sharpening with those two has got me to an edge that will shread paper but not yet fine enough to drop though hair. Having problems getting a good V (The sysmetry is a bit off) but its one step up from where its was. Well bed time so more tomorrow.
You will probably have to do a bit of reading, maybe watch some videos. The answer will be a little different depending on what honing setup you have, etc, etc... I would start with the wiki.


So no tips then.

Ummm...that was a tip.

The link in Mike H's post has lots of stuff in it on how to set a bevel. The tips can be more specific once you tell us if you've got a coticule vs. norton vs. jnat vs arkansas, etc. they all behave differently.
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My stones are a 101A Silicon Dioxide Carborundum, and a 2x4 arkie. If I need the extra grit I use Lapping Compound on the 101 its worked pretty well so far to get out nicks and put an edge on this one.
Yeah I am good. Just needed patience and time. The blade is shave worthy now but I have gained a new appreciation for professional honers.
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