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Bolzano Superinox

So I opened up one of these and there were no marks on the blade at all. Just a plain razor blade, in plain wax paper (no paper around the wax paper, basically if you took the blades out of the box you couldn't tell what they were because they are blank blades in a plain wax paper wrapping).

Either this is the first blade that I've seen that has this little packaging and actually has NOTHING on the actual blade, or I got some botched batch (although it shaved fine). Anyone have this blade and can confirm if it does or doesn't have any marks on the blade?
The blades should be wrapped in a paper that is also red and white, like the box. The blade itself should have "Bolzano Superinox" stamped on it.

$Bolzano 1.jpg

$Bolzano 2.jpg
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I used them a few times, and I also think they were not plain - there was something written on the blade.
Wow thanks, I should open up some more, I'm pretty sure there's only wax paper, definitely no stamp on the blade.

Weird thing is it shaved decent, that's surprising.
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