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Body Shop Maca Root samples

I'm currently on vacation and wondered into The Body Shop today at a local mall. I have never tried the Maca Root Shaving cream but I have read mixed reviews on the forum. The scent smelled "artificial" to me but I asked the sales associate if I could have a sample in case the cream smelled significantly different when lathered. She informed me they recently received sampe containers for this very reason and promptly filled a container for me- enough for 2 shaves at least. Just wanted to spread the word to those of you interested in trying this cream without spending $16 for a 200ml tub.


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I was surprised by the product when I tried it. I mean, it's good to know it's there but it's not my number one pick...
I was surprised by the product when I tried it. I mean, it's good to know it's there but it's not my number one pick...

That's my general impression from the forum. My wife asked me about it while walking through the mall and I told her, "In general, I think it is considered a middle of the road performer. Like many products- some love it, some hate it, and it irritates the faces of some, but I've never read anyone say it was a top tier cream." Still, I want to try it. That's what fun about this hobby.
I think it's an excellent performer and have grown to like the scent. It's every bit as good as T&H or GFT creams but without the heavy artificial scents of those two.
I bought some a few weeks ago and use it in my weekly rotation. I thought that it performs quite well, lathers up quickly and the scent is pretty much a non issue. Will keep using it and when out, will buy more.
for me it performs in about the same ballpark as proraso, maybe a tad bit better. i like the smell alot too. goes good with some veg. my wife found some on sale plus coupons, so she got me a small stockpile on the extra cheap, so im good to go for a while.
I have been hit and miss with Body Shop stuff. I did not like their Razor Releif balm (too greasy) and their Maca Root Cream didnt meet my performance standards. I dont like their Seaweed Face wash (too mild for my disgustingly greasy face) but love their Cucumber Toner which I use instead of witch hazel before applying balm, or just use if I am not balmy that day. We have a Body Shop down the road so I have been trying to crow samples.

YMMV of course
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