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Bluetooth Earpieces - anyone wear them?

Salespeople in "the old days" had a staff of admins and secretaries to do all the actual work. These days I'm a one-man show, doing all my own data-input, running my own reports, setting up my schedule, etc etc etc. I'm driving around 8, 10 hours a day 4 days a week. There can be 2 hours of driving between two customer visits some days, using that time productively pays off in the end.

+1 brother. I remember the good old days when not so many people had cellphones, mostly salespeople.
I'm in the "it's better than holding the phone to your ear while driving but you look like a d.b. wearing it in the store or office" camp. Use it for safety reasons (I know talking hands free is still "distracted driving", yada, yada, but it's better than holding a coffee in one hand, a cigarette in another and a phone in yet another!) but leave it where you used it.

These seem to be VERY popular with the Indian population at work (huge group of technology subcontractors). So either they're ten years behind or it's a fashion difference.

Also, cheers to the person who posted the Wired/Pitt cover. I was looking for that. I remember getting it at home.
I dislike using a phone without a headset, but I don't care if its wired or wireless. Lately I have been using a LG HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo Headset. I might otherwise not want to use ear buds for an extended length of time, but overall this headset is very comfortable to wear and well thought out. Its nice for listening to music or podcasts once your call is over. If mine were to break, I would buy another without hesitation.

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I used a Jawbone bluetooth for a while, but I have weird ears and it didn't really fit my ears (plus I never used it), so I gave it to my mom, who uses it frequently for work. She works in a lab, so she really likes having both hands free for stuff.
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Another Blue Parrot B250 user here. I'm on the phone quite a bit during the day. Quite honestly it gets boring in a truck by yourself. Nice to have some conversation.
On the road between customers all day or both hands busy with work so mine. is always on. I hate looking like a borg but is best option. Have used jawbones (3 none lasted more than 3 months), blueant about same,and a couple of plantronics the latest the voyager pro hd. The plantronics have held up to my abuse.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
No, the Mrs. and I won't own or wear one because they remind us Lieutenant Uhura's 'blue tooth' (tacky to say the least in our opinion). :thumbsup:


"Bluetooth is just now passing over the peak of inflated expectations". Ken Dulaney

I can certainly understand someone wearing one whose job demanded a ton of phone calls. I have owned a few of them and they were either returned or stored in a junk drawer after a week. I feel most people who wear them all day are trying to look important like the guy at Costco on Sat morning. My ethnic neighbor wears an ear bud when cutting the grass.
Use one but don't wear one. I have a number of conference calls that I have to take as a part of my job and it's just more comfortable than holding a phone to my ear and less obnoxious than using a speakerhphone. Both our cars have built in Bluetooth (nice) so no need to wear one in the car.

Some folks have them permanently attached to their ear as a fashion accessory it seems. I personally do not carry/display any technology noticeably. Not a fan of the Bat-utility Belt look with phones, ipods, pouches around the waist either. Kids are not allowed to bring any electronics on during Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner (no TV.computer or any other technology distractions). While I don't pass judgement on this stuff I do find the use/integration of electronics/technology into daily lives amusing.. I saw a family out to dinner and all four of them were texting, checking email, playing a game. Their portable communication devices prevented them from communicating with each other.. Don't know what the etiquette on this is but I do think it's rude to hold a conversation with someone while wearing an earpiece. If it OK for a priest/minister/rabbi to wear one while officiating over a wedding? Teacher/professor to wear one during a lecture? Physician to wear one during a patient consultation? Where does one draw the line on this?
I dislike using a phone without a headset, but I don't care if its wired or wireless. Lately I have been using a LG HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo Headset. I might otherwise not want to use ear buds for an extended length of time, but overall this headset is very comfortable to wear and well thought out. Its nice for listening to music or podcasts once your call is over. If mine were to break, I would buy another without hesitation.


+1 I love these. They are great because the vibrate when you get a call. They can even read text messages to you.
yep and love it.

It's the difference between walking/driving/being hands-free, and the looking like a total @&^#% holding his all-mighty cell-phone of importance and walking into walls and others that I see on a regular basis.

This applies even more to the driving crowd.

But I will admit that I do go for the most discrete and quality models I can find, but thanks to a glitch in my phone's last update, my best earpiece can't be used anymore... a Blueant V1x.

I've had close to a dozen so far, and the Blueant was the best by far.

But as stated, I've had to set it aside and am now using a Jawbone Icon (Hero model).

Small enough to barely be seen, and no flashing light to bug others.

Excellent sound quality, the biggest issue is the limited battery life compared to many others, but I could just got unlucky with a bad battery.

For full stereo, so I can switch between my phone, other bluetooth capable media machines, and my desktop computer, I have these Imego that I got really cheap, but with quite decent sound.


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I realize its been almost a month since anyone has posted here, however I am new, and I wanted to add my $.02. I personally use a Plantronics 975 Discovery. I am an on the road insurance agent and am almost constantly on my phone with clients, other agents, or similar. I rarely wear my bluetooth in a store, or outside of my car, but I almost always have it in my pocket in the event I get a phone call(often). I agree I don't like to wear it in the store or anything but sometimes I have to take a call and if its going to be long winded I much rather have my BT in vs holding the phone to my ear.. Here is a shot of my BT
and the black box in the back is a charging case for it, very convenient.
I drive all day so I need a Bluetooth for driving. I've tried almost all of them ( jawbone , plantronics , jabra , bose) and by far my favorite is the Bluant Q2. It's the most comfortable IMHO by far an good for all day use. It says the name of who's calling you cause it syncs to your phonebook. Battery life is stellar. Never have to charge it during the day I always charge it when I get home.
Good luck on your search
Without meaning to offend anyone who uses one...I think they make most people look like self-important asses. Forgive me - I'm not implying that is the case...but a lot of people I've seen with them stuck to their head/ear seem carry themselves that way and dress that way (bad suit, sunglasses and over-gelled hair seems to be a popular combination). If you need one for your work, you need one. Though I don't feel anyone should carry on a mobile phone conversation while driving, hands-free or not.
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i'm using these right now. LOVE them.

I dislike using a phone without a headset, but I don't care if its wired or wireless. Lately I have been using a LG HBS-700 Bluetooth Stereo Headset. I might otherwise not want to use ear buds for an extended length of time, but overall this headset is very comfortable to wear and well thought out. Its nice for listening to music or podcasts once your call is over. If mine were to break, I would buy another without hesitation.

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